Castle number 2 - Day3

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Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana
May 31st 2004
Published: May 31st 2004
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Castle number 2Castle number 2Castle number 2

What can I say it was in a rock face.
We took a train to the closest town to the castle where we could then get a taxi for the remaining few miles for 5000 SIT.

It was raining for the first time, it wasn’t that fine rain that soaks you through but the heavy rain that soaks you more, and with having excellent weather for the previous two days and the report saying it was going to improve, I wore shorts and short sleeve shirt. I stood out nicely especially when I wore my England hat.

While waiting for the taxi driver have an ice cream. The taxis driver waits while you visit this fascinating castle built into the side of a cliff. If you are wondering which castle we are talking about here it is not Ljubljana castle but Predjamkega Grad. Entry fee 1000 SIT

If you decide to walk up the path to the top of the cliff watch out for falling boulders and the fact that the gate part way up may be locked and in the rain it is very slippy so don’t bother really.

If you are lucky you will get a tip from the driver on the return journey.


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