Not Sure Olga is Going to Make It

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September 11th 2006
Published: September 11th 2006
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Last week I thought it was me, but I am starting to doubt Olga's ability. I had Michael take her to translate for him today because I was so frustrated and wanted to know if it was me, she being new, or just not getting it. He came back and said, "She is not getting it!" It is not the technical information she is not getting, but the simple things and literally in the middle of a meeting say something unrelated to the topic. For example, I was meeting with PD and we were talking about our CO2 test and all of the sudden she said, we need to call Mesha. I looked at her and asked, did he call? She said no, but we needed to call Mesha to have him come pick us up (even though we were not even near done). I told her I would worry about calling Mesha, she needed to worry about translating.

I spoke to Alan late this afternoon about it and we both agreed to give her a month and see if it gets any better, but he too was having concerns. I am not sure how I missed it so far in the beginning. I do not know if I was so new and just wanted someone there for the security or what it was, but I am worried she is not getting it.


11th September 2006

You're usually more intuitive than this but I'm sure that you have a million and one issues going on at the same time along with being in a foreign place and dealing with a foreign language so I'll let you get by this time, lol. If she's not working out though don't let it jeopardize your hard work. I'm sure you'll know soon enough though. Take care.
11th September 2006

Weird people - chicken related
CHESHIRE, Ore. - An Oregon woman was arraigned Tuesday, accused of shooting her husband after he shot her pet chicken. The Eugene Register-Guard reported that Mary Kay Gray, 58, was jailed Monday on felony assault charges. Her husband, Stanley Gray, is recovering from a gunshot wound to the shoulder. The chicken died at the scene. Lane County sheriff's Sgt. Clint Riley said the couple had been working around their yard and drinking on Labor Day. They got into an argument after Stanley Gray shot the chicken with a .44-caliber handgun. Police don't know if the shooting was intentional or an accident. "It depends on who you ask," Riley said. But sheriff's deputies said Gray shot her husband with a .22-caliber rifle in an apparent act of retaliation. "It looked like `CSI,'" said neighbor Cheyenne Dickenson, who arrived home Monday night to find police cars parked at the end of the driveway she shares with the Grays the Register-Guard reported. "There were dead chickens lying all over the place."
12th September 2006

She Has One Week
I asked her to think long and hard about it tonight and get back with me tomorrow as to if this is the right place/position for her. My boss told me to offer her temporary work as we need it, but we are not going to put up with the poor performance; it is taking way too much energy to coach and train her. If she says she can do the job, she will have one week to show me she is capable. We also found out today from HR she was terminated from her last job because she was not "mentally stable" so we are not sure what exactly that means, but seeing some of her actions, I could understand.

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