What a Day!

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Europe » Russia
August 31st 2006
Published: August 31st 2006
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We had my first Russian poultry visitors today and I feel beat up. It was not bad, but they had a ton of questions, most of them dealing with Quality. I hated answering some of the questions because it is not where I want and I wish I could way a wand to change it. You would not believe how wonderful the relationship between QA and Production is according the response our Director of Operations gave today to them. I thought for a minute we were at a different plant. This is coming from the man that does not wash his hands after using the facilities, but according to him, there are no conflicts between the two groups...lol

On top of it, it was a Russian run meeting so I was not able to catch the little side comments or if there were multiple conversations going on, my translator only could keep up with the main one and honestly, she did not do well. She had told me in the interview she did not like big crowds having to translate and with our CFO also present, who knows both languages, it really intimidated her. I had a pat on the back but kick in the butt conversation with her on the way home today. To make matters worse for her, this was her first day back and our General Director's translator is on vacation so Olga had to fill in for her as well so we put her right into the fire. With Olga being intimidated, she was even more soft spoken than usual and my boss and I had a hard time both hearing her. She will get better as she understand terms and people, but it was rough today.

Now something we would never do in the States, for lunch, we brought in vodka to toast with and wine to drink with at lunch in our own lunchroom. I skipped, but I was one of the few. Very different drinking alcohol while at work. This is not normal as it is the first time I have seen it, but still amazing to me.

Mesha is doing well. The weather has been rainy and cold here so I have not taken a picture of him and the car yet, but it is a black Opel with tip tronic shift to it. It is pretty nice, he knows how to use the radio and air conditioning system. You might be laughing, but every driver I have seen so far honestly does not know how to use the A/C and always checks to see if the defrost is on when the windows get foggy. I do not think they realize how it all works. Mesha just got out of the armed forces. He is 21 and lives at home (very common until you are married and even then may stay with your parents.) He has a car so it makes it nice I do not have to listen to excuses about getting to work before the buses start running like I did with Michael's driver. He has a Latta 1500, which does not tell me much, but I am sure the Opeal has to be nicer as it relatively new.

Speaking of cars, I am heading to the Moscow car show on Saturday. I was going to stay around Obninsk to continue to get some rest, but my boss wants me to go with him. I am still trying to fit in and I was sort of interested so I agreed. Yes, my cold is still lingering on. I feel a ton better but still have a slight cough and runny nose. It did not help that we went to Moscow to look at par-fried products and got stuck in traffic. At one point, we went 10 km in 2 hours, yes, that is correct, 10 km in 2 hours!!! My butt was so sore in sitting in traffic, but we did find a grocery store that I really liked. They had a lot of things, it was clean and organized and not a ton of people pushing you! I will definitely go back on a weekend when the traffic is not as bad.

Along with a picture of Mesha, I will get one of Olga since I am sure I will talk a lot about both of them.

P.S. Thank you to everyone for the help with the buckeyes. I finally have all of the supplies and made a test batch tonight. They came out looking and tasting right! Mom/Dad, I have not received your package yet, but we still have a week before I need the tray so hopefully it will get here soon. Also, Mark, I got a can of Campbell's cream of mushroom soup while in Moscow yesterday so I am going to give the shepard's pie a try this weekend other than I do not have any cheddard cheese here so it will have to be somthing softer and a little more mild.

I know I have not written for awhile and I did not want people getting worried about me. I am still here and doing good. Thanks for all of the notes and updates.


1st September 2006

Well I sent your package on Mon after Jetta sent hers on Fri. Maybe someone else liked the buckeye bowl Ha Glad to hear you are feeling better. Have to go We show donks tomorrow and Sat. Only 3 classes on Sat and those are Sierras and Taylors to show I just have to fix them up pretty, girl and donkey.
1st September 2006

Do What??
Hello Vince I didnt know they still made Opels? dont they have a good Chevy Dealer their? and you know I am a US country boy just how far is 10 km???? LOL well it sounds like you and Ogla will work things out. things here at the house are doing great Toqure is doing good but he is missing you. I still wont let him sleep on my head LOL. well take care and keep up the great job you are doing an dthe blog also.....Mark
1st September 2006

The Box Made It
I did not even try to call because I know you are busy with the Show, but the package made it all intact. Thank you, the platter is perfect and my first "test" batch of buckeyes were a hit today at work. Everyone was so impressed and asked for more. I may have to break down and get some cookie trays and other needed cooking utensiles.
1st September 2006

Not Far Enough
That is only 6.21 miles! Poor Torque, who is keeping him warm at night? I am glad he is getting along well.
2nd September 2006

Glad you're doing well. Sorry I haven't written more, I'm enduring a horrible tooth ache until I can get to the dentist Tuesday morning for a root canal. And I hate dentists more than anything in this world. Class is still kicking my behind but I only have 2 more weeks so I'll make it. Can't wait to see more pictures. Take care.

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