Discovering this bright city

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Europe » Russia » Urals » Yekaterinburg
July 21st 2004
Published: October 19th 2007
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Ploscad Sovietksoi Armi Ploscad Sovietksoi Armi Ploscad Sovietksoi Armi

the enormous bronze soldier statue
Our second stop on this journey. In the train we have decided that the first day we will follow the city tour suggested in Lonely Planet. First destination is Ploscad Sovietksoi Armi - a square with an enormous bronze soldier statue surrounded by stone pillars bearing endless list of soldiers’ names. The statue’s head is inclined on one side. Hard to say if because of weariness or sadness. In such a big scale, everything leaves more impression… the statue commemorates the Afghanistan war soldiers that fell from ’79-’89.

We continued towards the park with a theatre, a renovated church and at the edge of the park - a view on another church and the place where the Romanov where executed. A small wooden chapel next to the big orthodox church commemorates the place where the tsar and his family were killed. Next to it a modest wooden cross with double crossing and two lines we can’t translate…

We kept going on our route and the next stop was Puskin’s statue, famous east European writer, but surprisingly unknown to my companions. Unfortunately I cannot recall at the spot any more famous piece that he wrote,
Romanovs execution placeRomanovs execution placeRomanovs execution place

A small wooden chapel next to the big orthodox church commemorates the place where the tsar and his family were killed
also because he wrote mostly poems as far as my knowledge goes…

Further down the road and we were in center of the city on the Prospect Lenina street. Of course - there is a statue of Lenin. At lunch time we decided to try Russian version of McDonalds, namely Mak-Pik. It is actually not too bad - even though incredibly crowded. After lunch we persisted with our walk on the heated roads. It must have been at least 35 degrees and the sun was making itself feel.

After the tour we decided to stop at the Bureau and Guide Center. We hoped they could organize something interesting for us to do in the area. We met Konstantin, the owner, and Vladimir, our guide to be the day after. We have decided to take a tour to the south of the city, into the Urals, to a small lake in the forest. Seems an interesting hike - and a good idea to get out of the hot city. Happy for the arrangements, we set the appointment for 9am of the day after. For the rest of the day - we took it easy. A drink in the center made us stop for enough time to observe the people and notice that this city is so much different than Moscow. Happier and brighter, more easy going and somehow newer. It leaves positive impression… Also the people do. Everybody is nicely dressed, with care and thought. Girls are walking around the street at noon as if they are heading for the ball rooms. It all contributes to general atmosphere of serenity and actually - yes western-ess. This city is more west European than Moscow. An unexpected surprise.

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