Moscow days

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August 27th 2016
Published: August 27th 2016
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This is our third day in Moscow. The first we arrived at 5.15 in the morning on the overnight train and made our way by public transport (as is our wont) i.e. Metro, to the Kebur Palace Hotel. A little early I suppose butchered were 2 young English speaking receptionists, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, who welcomed us and arranged coffee and breakfast but unfortunately could not get us into out room till after midday. So we set out to,explore, up our street and past the church of Christ our Saviour with it's many golden domes and extensive parklands, along the riverside till eventually we came to Alexandrovsky Gardens and the external walls of the Kremlin. We weren't quite in shape for a dose of that so we wandered thro the gardens which are well laid out with lovely water features, and came to Red Square. However where was it ? It is normally displayed as this vast expanse surrounded by exotic buildings, but here we were confronted with acres of temporary buildings, arenas, tents, stands and a vast number f hoardings advertising the international military tattoo to start on Saturday . Military looking men on horseback could be seen going through their paces to music various. That was a bit of a swizz. No vast Red Square. Chockablock with stuff.

So we visited St Basil's Cathedral with its ceramic domes and many interior murals.

Later in the day, after returning to hotel for rest, shower and recuperation, we went to the Pushkin Museum of fine arts and saw some great 19th -20th century paintings before seeking out food.

The next day we set off to visit the New Tretyakoff Gallery in Gorky Park. We walked from our hotel, over a bridge into the park. We found the gallery, looking great with fountains and paintings projected onto it....but there were mile long queues. A sign by the gallery said from here you will have to wait 30 minutes to get in. But the question below that point stretched iNot the distance. So wedge idedmtomgiv up on that and buy internet tickets for another day. ( but this proved impossible as we found that the only tickets available online were for 3 weeks hence. There seems to,be a very popular expo on there which has been swamped by people queuing to get in. So,we gave up on that) But Gorky Park was great. Long avenues, fountains, flower beds, musical fountain interludes. And then we came upon a great contemporary gallery the Garage. Gormley was there of course, protruding from a wall, two great Cindy Sherman photos, a colour changing framed show, All that glitters is not gold, an ecological/political display of plants with striking portrayal,of Patrice Lumumba's struggle.

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30th August 2016

Gardens and galleries and gastronomy
Loving your adventures xxx thanks for sharing your journey love JPD xxx

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