Day #5: Moscow

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April 7th 2013
Published: April 7th 2013
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I had envisaged (and, in the past, experienced) border guards to be severe, authoritative, suspicious and humourless. But I figured that it comes with the job, anyway the UK guards have the same reputation, and border guards are just one of those trials that any traveller has to face. I had especially dreaded the Russian border guards, cynically imagining they might be particularly hostile, an opinion based on nothing but stereotypes..

However, every border guard I have encountered so far has been friendly and unproblematic, and the Russians were positively charming. In some cases, almost fun. One found it hilarious when instead of saying I speak Russian "only a little", I accidentally said "only slowly". And they were considerate in checking passports at the beginning and end of the overnight train journey, rather than waking us in the small hours as expected.

Anyway we are here, and I am unbelievably excited.


26th April 2013

Hi Helen, I miss you. I'm still around. I went out to lunch with Karen. When you get back I do want to get lunch with you sometime. I like your pictures! Jimmy

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