Trans Siberian Factoids

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Europe » Russia » Far East » Khabarovsk
May 9th 2014
Saved: May 5th 2020
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This information comes from the Trans Siberian Railway Web Encyclopaedia. How many Railways do you know that have their own paedia?

1. The real distance, calculated from Moscow to Vladivostok in 9288.2 kilometers.

2. The coldest place, located between Mogocha (6906 km, the distances are from Moscow*), and Skovorodino (7306 km) is a rather chilly -62 degrees C.

3. The highest point (1040 km) is the Yablonovy Mountain pass (6110 km) located between Yablonovaya and Turgutui.

4. The lowest point occurs between Amursky Zaliv (9252 km) and Ugolnaya (9253 km) when the route nears the Pacific Ocean.

5. The steepest descent, between Adrianovskaya and Slyudyanka-2 (5305 km) is when the railroad drops 400 meters.

6. The longest bridge is the 2616 meter Amur Bridge (8512 km).

Amur Bridge

7. The longest tunnel is a 7 km tunnel beneath the Amur, built between 1937 and 1952 for strategic (military) reasons, and is now used only by freight trains.

8. The longest tunnel used by passenger trains is the Tarmanchukan tunnel (2 km), built in 1915, and located between Arkhara (8080 km) and Obluche (8190 km).

9. The largest station is in Novosibirsk, built between 1939 to 1940.

10. the most expensive section to build, the 260 km Circumbaikal line, cost over R2 million per kilometer.

*=distances in parenthesis (xxx km) are calculated from Moscow.
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