First and secound day of Portugal!

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July 19th 2013
Published: July 19th 2013
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Hi everyone.. I'm going to write my blogs from Wednesday to Friday....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My mom went off to go to her work and me my dad and my brother cleaned the house so it's nice and we had dinner (subs) and then we left to go to the airport around 5:30 and we got there at 6:30 and we dropped off are bags and went to the security thingy, and we got to our seats (were we sit) around 7:00 and me and my mom played cribbage and me and my dad went for a walk with Russell, and by 9:30 we got and the plan and left and I was hungry but I didn't really like airplane food but I had it and I went to sleep and all of a sudden we arrived in Portugal at 9:30

Thursday, July 8, 2013... and then we had to go to another airport to get our bags but I forgot what that airport was called something something.....but we had to rent a car to drive to another airport where their car was parked which toke a while but once my dad finally found it and when we got in the car I started sleeping. Once we got home all of a sudden this dog comes running at us and me and Russell were really HAPPY and we forgot that they had a dog and it's a boy and his names is Stig. Just a few seconds ago he was looking at me and I'm the only one awake and everyone else is asleep so yeah anyway once we got in the house we looked around and then when the suit cases came in I crabbed my bathing suit and just went in the pool oh yeah I never mentioned that they had a POol other then just now, after that we had frozen pizza for dinner and a few hours later we went to bed.

Friday, July 19, 2013 (today)

We woke up (well the dog woke me up) and then we had breakfast and then we went for a swim then had a shower and then we went to the local grocery store and got food and then went home and then we had lunch and went to this market and I got this amazing rock with flowers with my name carved in it!!!!! After the market we had dinner out!!! Me and Russell had Shrimp Cereps and yeah after we went home and played with stig and then did our blogs and yeah..... I guess that's bye bye for now now Oh yeah I arrive on Aug 6 (I come home on Aug 6)

Sorry for the long blog I just couldn't do it yestdarday because of how tired I am but now it's 11:00 and I'm wide awake 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊

PEace out: Rachel


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