Travel Quiz Time

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March 8th 2014
Saved: October 29th 2015
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Time to test your Travel IQ, or TIQ. Borrowed slightly from National Geographic Traveler, my current favorite in the world of boring travel magazines.

1. In the Kalahari Desert, ring-shaped patches of grass are commonly known by what name?

2. Olympus Mons, the tallest known mountain in our solar system, towers 15.4 miles over the surface of what planet?

3. The Cardamom Mountains, a final redoubt of the Khmer Rouge, stretch across the border of what two Asian nations?

4. Together, the Portuguese words for wine and garlic form the name of what curry native to Goa, India?

5. What state has more miles of river than any other? (You will never guess)

6. Name the 14th century Muslim scholar from Morocco who traveled to 40 countries over a 30-year period?

7. The lion-fish hybrid known as a merlion is the mascot of what Asian city-state?

8. Algiers, Gentilly, Vieux Carre', and Marigny are neighborhoods found in what American city, founded in 1718?

9. The Puerto Moreno glacier is located where?

10. Bonus question: Where is Gerry going in May?


1. Fairy circles

2. Mars, of course

3. Cambodia and Thailand

4. vindaloo

5. Yes, Nebraska, whodah thought?

6. Ign Battuta

7. Singapore

8. New Orleans

9. Argentina, Patagonia

10. Some of you know, some of you do not.
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