In the deep end...

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Europe » Poland » Masovia » Warsaw
August 14th 2006
Published: August 14th 2006
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hello hello! I havent written in a while, so i have a lot of updating to do...

I am in Poland!! In warsaw to be precise. We left berlin Friday lunchtime, thank god! what a hole lol Nah, it was ok. We stayed at a really lousy hostel, sharing a dorm with 14 other people haha. That was crap. We went out sight seeing and we saw some of the Berlin Wall, the Reichstag, and this other impressive looking thing (cant remember what its called lol) The best thing about Berlin central is the little red and green men on the traffic lights!! :D It was only later that we realised they are a major tourist attraction, with merchandise in every souvenir store. (photos to come when i get home!!) We were only in berlin for 2 days, then we got on a train (a really slow one!!) and travelled 6 hours to warsaw. There was a group of dutch guys on the train that provided some amusement, but otherwise very long and boring trip.

we got to warsaw and from the minute we got off the train the language barrier became apparent. We were warned, but i dont think we really comprehended the fact that NO ONE speaks english here!! At least in germany most people spoke at least a little english, but its no one here!!
we arrived at 6.55pm, and it took me 15min to work out that the place to change money is called a kantor. And that they all closed at 7pm. Bugger. Lucky my sis could get money out of the atm, so we caught a taxi to our hostel.
Our hostel is on the top floor of a building above a sports centre. I was stoked at this, until the next morning when i get up and go downstairs to have a swim, and after half an hour of non+communication with a guy there, i discovered that the place was closed until the end of the month for renovations. Bugger.
So i went back upstairs and had breakfast... cereal, hard bread, honey and jam, and all the other polish stuff like cheese and cold meats and pate and vegetables etc.
My sis is really sick and has been for 2weeks now (stupid girl wont go to doctor), so she stayed in bed like a nanna, and i went off exploring. I found this internet cafe, and a kantor, and just went for a general walk. I must say this place is a bit depressing, i dont get the same vibe that i got from germany. It could just be the company im in tho lol. Boring nannas they are.
We went to a posh department store later on, but it was shit coz everything was so expensive, just like the boutiques at home. So we had some lunch, then left and went to Old Warsaw, the oldest part of the town. Its a bit misleading tho, coz its still quite new, everything was flattened during the war. We walked around there for a while, was quite pretty, looked at market stalls etc. Then we stopped at a pub and had a drink. The other two drank the local beer, i asked for a local liquor, so i got this stuff which was a honey flavoured spirit, not too sure what it was. Was quite nice tho. After that we went back to Sophias aunts house and we walked over to the movies and watched Pirates of the Carribean. Then we caught a bus home, got lost walked around for a while, then caught a taxi back haha.

The next day (sunday) i got up early, had breakfast, then came down the this internet cafe for a bout 3 hours. I really want to go back to germany, but my sister has booked our flights to scotland from here the silly girl. So now we have to kill a week here. Yeserday arvo didnt really do much, gemma still sick, raining a lot, feeling somewhat depressed. Don't really know what to do with myself, metal gig i wanted to go to got cancelled coz of catholic protesters. NOT HAPPY! Went to bed.
Got up this morning, got changed and walked 15min to find a gym. Found a little one, spent half an hour trying to explain to the guy that i just wanted one hour not a year. Got a decent workout in, but the place was so hot and stuffy inside, made me feel sick. Went back to the hostel, and now me and sis are at internet for a while. We are meeting sohia soon and we are checking out a tattoo place down the road. We were hanging to get then in germany, but they were over double the price of normal there!!! So hopefully they will be reasonable here. Going to a Rock Club tonight and tomorrow night, so hopefully will be good. Well, thats all for now, ill update soon. Hope you got my postcard from hamburg! :D
love and smoochies


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