Luxembourg Day

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Europe » Luxembourg » Luxembourg City
June 21st 2006
Published: July 9th 2006
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First we found that our booking was only for two nights and not three. It actually worked out because we had to take a night train down to Barcelona. So, our half day was spent searching for food. And lo...we broke down and had Pizza Hut. It counts as an eat in restaraunt doesn´t it?!? There were already festivities on the stages set up all around the city. We caught some of the Luxembourg Philiharmonic Orchestra and a gospel choir in seperate parts of town. The next day was the big celebration/all night party. Amie was feeling a little under the weather so no excessive drinking for anybody that night. The fireworks put our Canada Day ones to shame. I couldn´t believe the amount of explosive that had to be on that bridge to carry on the brilliant show. One really impressive part was the waterfall of sparks. One long waterfall that spanned the whole bridge, but when it struck the trees below (there was a deep ravine park with massive willow trees below the city) it bounced off just like a real waterfall and flowed even farther downwards in through the trees. There were stages everywhere, loud music pounding, masses of people with alcoholic beverages in plastic cups astrewn. We found the four Irish girls sharing our dorm room and meandered back to our hostel in the wee hours of the night to pack for our early departure the next day.
Cheers, Angele


10th July 2006

Well, I am glad you got to get into the Luxembourg festivities. And I believe Amie and I broke down and eat at the Pizza hut too!! :) (twice) Did you get the margarita pitcher?? Cathy P.S - This story seems to be missing 'dead people' and 'huffing girls'.... Did Luxembourg become conservative from last year?
10th July 2006

Having fun!
Hey girls! Sounds like a good time! I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the festivities. Hope to hear from you again soon! Keep on posting so I can keep on being filled with envy!! lots of luv! we all miss you lots, but are enjoying living vicariously through your messages!
10th July 2006

We are off on our holiday
Hi, Just to say keep up the journals, I love hearing what you are up too. Steve and I are away for a few weeks so I will look forward to lots of interesting reading when we return. Have a great time in Barcelone but becare of those lions Amie. Only nice pictures with them!!

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