The Erotic Pasta Experience

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July 27th 2012
Published: July 27th 2012
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Food. Most people in the modern world think of food as a must-have 3 meals a day. The Bran for breakfast, then the regular sandwhich for lunch then maybe a tender steak and veggies. Sounds exciting, neh?

Some people think of food as the convenient take out, or already-prepared-cook-in-5-minutes meals. I admit to having a slight weakness occassionally to McDonalds or KFC, but only once in a while.

When I think of food i think of Italy and when I think of Italy the very first thing that comes to my mind (besides the men) is Pasta!

Orecchiette Pasta, Pasta Gnocchi, Pasta Risoni, Pasta Cresto di Gallo, Pasta Garnanelli, Pasta Spaghetti, Pasta Vermicelli. Risoni Pasta with mushhrooms and pancetta, Penne with roasted pumpkin, baked ricotta and prosciutto, Pasta di stalla, Penne Pasta with rustic lentil sauce, Catelli Pasta with capers, bocconcini and basil oil, Cresti di Gallo Pasta with creamy tomatoe and bacon sauce...

These are only a few of the most mouth watering and sensual pastas.


This is not just some pre-prepared packaged meal that you buy from WoolWorths. Pasta is not just a food or meal that is gobbled down because its fairly convenient and quick to prepare.

Pasta... is an experience.

Pasta... is cherished.

Pasta... is like sex.

The curvy, tender pasta is cooked so it has just the right amount of resistence to the teeth, Al Dante. Crispy bacon, succulent chicken or moist beef. The erotic sauces, with hints of pepper and spice. Sauces whose flavours are left to linger in the mouth long after consumption.

Pasta best cooked to a glass (or 3) of red wine and some Norah Jones or even Shania Twain. The experiance of cooking and eating pasta is a process of seduction of the senses. Some could even compare pasta to a woman. A women is tenderly seduced into compliance, with that bite of passion. The spices of her personality make her an intriguing and erotic creature which has to be sampled slowly and passionately. Her taste is left to linger long after she has been seduced.

Pasta should not be gobbled down, but sampled slowly letting the flavours of the sauce slide over the tongue. Letting you enjoy the many layers of the flavour.

Many people in todays modern and busy times do not take the time to fully enjoy their meals. They order food and expect it fast and hot. They expect quantity and not quality, time and not moneys worth. Allowing no time in which to enjoy wine, drink or friends company. Then food is eaten quickly with little time for flavours to be tasted.

I believe that it is not just pasta that should be cherished, although still my number 1 food choice. I believe all food whether it be a tender steak or even a club sandwhich should be eaten with tenderness and time. Allowing every flavour and layer to be enjoyed.

It is my challenge to you, that at least one night in the following week you take the time to put some music on in your kitchen, open a bottle of wine, take your time cooking your favourite pasta dish. Good food cannot be rushed! Drink the whole bottle of wine if you want to! Invite some friends over (or a special someone), cook together and eat together. Prove to yourself and your friends that a meal is 100 times better if you have enjoyed the full process of cooking and eating. Make a whole evening of it! So what if you only end up eating at 11 o'clock and have gone through 2 bottles of wine!

Have you enjoyed the process?

Have you enjoyed the company?

Have you enjoyed the wine?

Most importantly, did you enjoy the food?

Take this little challenge, give me feedback. Then you can see how the real Italians do it!


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