Cinque Terre

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Europe » Italy
June 29th 2009
Published: July 4th 2009
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Cinque Terre is so amazing. Like insanely beautiful. Yesterday we did the first three villages then trekked it down this crazy mountain to a beach. It took us like 45 minutes threw intense bamboo and steep mountains then made it to the bluest water I have ever seen. Like turquoise. Turned out the beach was a nude beach! So funny, but we had to swim because we were so beat from the hike! That is when we met Maurizano and Grazialo! Two very naked Italian men who wanted to hang with us, luckily we got rid of them. Today we finished the last leg and it was by far the most beautiful and the most difficult. My battery in the camera died yesterday and today my memory card was full. 😞 So alot of pics are on my Aussies camera and Berry. I will post some of what I have. Tomorrow I am off to Venice! Ciao!


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