Contiki Simply Italy

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Europe » Italy
January 21st 2005
Published: January 21st 2005
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I went on the Simply Italy tour with Contiki during Winter Break 2004 and it was the best traveling experience ever. I was able to see all of Italy in 13 days and it was fun, inexpensive, and safe. The best thing about this trip is that you are not traveling alone and you meet people your age from all over the world.

Everyday is planned out for you and you won’t have much time to feel lonely or homesick. On a typical Contiki day, you will wake up early, perhaps still woozy from the night before, eat breakfast and board the bus for a long day on the road. After a recovery nap on the bus, a couple of pit stops for food, and some breathtaking scenery, you arrive in town in the evening.

The places that I visited are Rome, Florence, Lake Como, Venice, Assisi, and Sorrento. Florence and Venice were my favorite cities. And no trip to Venice is complete without a gondola ride through the canals! I had so much fun shopping and bargaining with merchants on the streets. I was amazed and fascinated with everything that I saw (Trevi Fountain, Vatican city, leaning tower of Pisa, fresco paintings at St. Francis Basilica, Juliet’s balcony, and many many more). Contiki, Simply Italy tour was everything that expected and more. I enjoyed every minute of the sight seeing and I truly treasured this memorable Italian experience. For this summer, I am definitely looking forward to booking my next Contiki trip!

I would definitely recommend this trip or any Contiki trip to anyone who loves to travel and are 18-35 years old. Please visit or contact me if you would like more information about Contiki.


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