2023-5 Siracusa, Sicily, Italy

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May 12th 2023
Published: May 13th 2023
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Sicily, Italy


Sicily, Italy 5 3,4 23

5-4-2023 Thurs., Siracusa, Sicily, Italy 7am to 5pm

Toi den Sicily lan dau 5-24-2012. Dung 11 nam. 150km x 100km.

To see: See Sreen shots: Tomb or birth place of Archimedes, hire taxi to see 7 Unesco sites. And 1) The Greek Theater 470BC , 138m diameter, 67 rows, 9 sections, 8 aisles 2) Roman amphitheater Carved from Rock, regtanglar for performance.3) Tomb of Archemede in Grotticelli Necropolis, decorated with 2 doric columns 4)Latomia del Paradiso : 60m long x 11m high gallery 5) Cathedral of Santa Maria delle Colonne 7Th century 6) Crypt and Catacombs of San Giovannni church: 6th centuy 7) Syracuse Museo Archeologico 6th century 8) Latomia dei Cappuccini : cave quarry 9) btemple of Apollo on Island of Ortigia 570 BC 10) Eurialo Castle. 402BC 11) castello Maniace on the island of Ortigia in 1232 11) Piazza di Archimede Square

5/24/12Thuyen den Sicily khoang 7AM. 7:30AM ho cho moi nguoi len thanh pho Messila, thanh pho lon cua dao. Dat va Thy di mot vong thanh pho va biet rang noi day it toa nha lich su. Dat va Thy mua ve xe lua di den Toamina. Toamina nam tren ngon nui cao va phai di den bang xe bus.

Duong di rat dep vi con duong nui cheo leo. Tren nui co duong xa chap hep vi la pho xua co lau dai co chi con lai nhung vach da cao.

Noi day co di tich cua van dong truong co kinh. Rat dep nhung khong co thi gio nhieu vi co 1 gio thoi nen Dat di rat nhanh qua nhung con duong nho hep toan la nguoi di bo rat tinh tu. Sau do Dat tro ve tram xe bus de ve tram xe lua ve lai Messila va len tau.

Thanh pho Messila, la thanh pho lon thu 3 sau Palermo va Catania.cua dao va thu do cua dao Sicily la Palemo. Rong 25,711km2 voi so dan la 5M. Thuoc ve Y.

Thanh pho Syracuse la thanh pho rong thu 4 cua dao Sicily voi 121,605 dan va 204km2.

Dao Sicily la dao lon nhat va dong dan nhat vung bien Dia Trung Hai va not trong 20 regions cua Italy. O day co ngon nui lua cao nhat va most active volcano. Cao 10,922ft. va 21ft thap hon nam 1981. Cao hon Alps. Ngoai ra con 3 volcanoes dang active va nho hon o day la Vulcano, Stromboli va Lipari

Italy rong 301km2 gan bang Vietnam voi dan so bang 2/3 Vietnam nhung la mot nuoc co nen kinh te lon thu 8 the gioi.

Vao the ky thu 1 Roman chiem Italy va tiep tuc 200 nam sau do.

Den the ky 19 Italy keu goi doc lap tu ngoai bang de tro thanh Kingdom cua Italy tu do va tro nen mot nuoc ky nghe tan tien.

Dao Sicily co 7 Unesco sites:

1) Valle dei Templi 1997 o Agrigento. La national Monument of Italy.

2) Villa Romana del Casale , 1997, Roman Villa 4th century. Richest, largest and most complex collection of Roman mosaics in the world. Cach 3km from Piazza Armenia.

3) Aeolian Islands , 2000, la Volcanic Archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea

4) Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto, 2002: Gom Caltagirone, Militello in Val di Catania, Cataniam Modica, Noto, Palazzolo, Acreide, Ragusa and Scilcli.

5) Necropolis Of Pantalica, 2005, : more than 5,000 tombs 13th to 7th BC. In Syracure

6) Mt Etna, 2013, one of most active volcanoes in the world

7) Arab norman Palermo and the Cathedral churches bof Cefalu and Monreale from 1130 to 1194

Nam 2012 du thuyen MSC ghe Messila thanh pho lon thu 3 Sicily. Hom nay du thguyen MSC Opera ghe lai Syracuse thanh pho lon thu 4 cua dao Sicily va la birth place cua nha toan hoc cung nhu ky su Archimedes ma toi rat nguong mo tu khi hoc trung hoc. Thanh pho nay co tu 2,700 nam ve truoc.Co 125,000 nguoi song. Syracuse and Nacropolis of Pantalica la Unesco site co hon 5,000 ngoi mo tai day tu the ky 13th den 7th tryuoc tay lich. Trong nay co Greek Theater la largest ever built by the ancient Greek co 67 rows va 8 aisles.

Roman amphitheater duoc duc rat u long da, chinh giua la hinh chu nhat de trinh dien. Tomb cua Archimedes nam trong Grotticelli Necrop0olis, decorated with two Doric columns. Temple of Olympain Zeus about 3km outside the city.

Maniace Castle built 1232 den 1240bla military . Palazzo of Beneventano Del Bosco built in Middle Ages and modified between 1779 and 1788 used as court.

Du thuyen den Syracusa thanh pho lon cua dao Sicily luc 7am. Toi dinh muon taxi de di het 7 Unesco o day vi dao nay rat dac biet va duy nhat co nhieu Unesco sites trong mot dao nho. Tuy nhien khi xuong du thuyen toi hoi taxi thi ho noi can 1 tuan moi di het. Toi cung nghi nhu vay va dinh di khoang 3 Unesco ma thoi nhung ho noi cung khong co thi gio di vi du thuyen roi ben luc 5pm. Toi danh di bo den noi ma toi phai den tham do la mo cua Archimede nha toan hoc ma chinh nha toan hoc nay da tao nen nen tang cua mon hinh hoc ma toi da xuat sac trong mon nay thoi trung hoc. Dac biet hon het la toi nho gioi ve mon hinh hoc nay ma toi kinh doanh thanh cong lon trong dia oc va tao nen su nghiep cho toi hom nay. Vi mon hinh hoc ma truong trunh hoc Viet nam day duoc goi la hinh hoc khong gian. Hoc Mon hoc nay can co tri tuong tuong vi la khong gian 3 chieu. Toi hoc rat gioi mon nay de roi tao cho toi co tri tuong tuong gioi tu do trong viec kinh doanh dia oc cung can co tri tuong tuong moi thanh cong lon vi neu khong thi nha dau tu chi theo con duong co dien ma di va tu do khong di xa duoc. Neu co tri tuong tuong thi nha dau tu moi tuong tuong ra cach dau tu ma khong can nhieu von vi moi nguoi co so von gioi han va neu ta tuong tuong gioi ta co the dau tu bang Phuong phap ma it can nhieu von hay nothing down de voi tien it ma ta mua duoc nhieu nho vao su tuong tuong ra phuong phap dau tu it von do. Tinh co hom nay toi den dao Siracusa noi Archimete da sanh ra va chet di. Ngoi mo cua ong nam tren dao nay va tai tinh Siracusa nen toi phai tim den. Chinh vi vay ma toi di bo truoc het den mo ong. Toi di den mo thi co hang rao khong cho du khach vao . Toi phai di vong quanh va den Neapolis la mot Unesco site ma trong do co nhieu di tich lich su dang xem va ngay ca Mo cua Archimede cung co trong do. Toi hoi noi mua ve de vao xem thi ho noi mo cua Archimede bi rao lai khong cho vao ma chi nhin thay tu ngoai nhu toi da nhin thay luc khi den day. Toi hoi tiec mui. Nhung toi van mua ve vao xem cac nen noi tieng trong Neapolis nay roi sau do toi se ra ngoai tro lai mo Archimede de xem. Cho quan trong nhat o trong nay la Greek theater. Tien vao cua la 13 Euros. Truoc het toi di den Greek Theater. Tren duong den Greek Theater toi thay co Cave nen vao xem. Cave nay rat dac biec vi ben trong tang da to va cao. Cave nay goi la grotto Del Salnitro. The name derives from the production of the salpetre, a deposit constitudedby mineral saltslocatedon themoist walls of the cave. Ke den toi thay co cave khac ma la artificial cxave goi la Oreccio Di Dionisio. Tu day toi di den Greek Theater hay Teatro Greco.

Noi day co stone quarry va prison during Greek period, later it was transformed into a garden, a paradise of lemon and orange trees. Greek theater was built by the architect Damocopos in the 5th century BC, it suffered various transformations during centuries, the most important one in the 3th centery BC.

The Greek theater co hinh giong nhu cai quat ma chinh giua la Orchestra phai trebn la 2 arch goi la cavea va khoang cach giua 2 quat la Diazoma. Theater nay dang duoc sua lai vi cho ngoi da deform ma noi day duoc dung de toi chuc van nghe hang ngay nen phai duoc sua lai de khach gia ngoi dang hoang hon. Nhung su sua doi nay lam mat di ban chat that su cua thater nay. Sau do toi di den nren dac biet thu 2 trong nay la Amphitheater noi day van con di tich nguyen thuy chua duoc sua doi nhu o greek theater. Noi day cung co cac ngoi mo thoi tien su.

Sau do toi di ra ngoai Neapolis de di tro lai Archimede tomb ma toi gap dau tien khi den day. Toi thay tam bang de Archimede’s Tomb nen biet day la mo cua Archimede. Toi dung len tren tuong cua hang rao de xem tam bang de Archmede tmomb voi hnag chu Roman-age-tomb, it is incorrectly consideredthe place where the famous scientist fromSyracuse was buried. Toi chup hinh xong va tro lai office de hoi tai sao tam bang de la incorrectly considered tomb thi anh chang sang nay chi cho toi biet tomb cua Archimede va anh ta noi rang nguoi ta khong the located noi dau la tomb cua Archimede nen noi do de nhu vay. Sau do toi thay ben kia duong co hop on hop off bus nen qua do mua de di. Toi ngung tai Archimede Square. Cung vi yeu quy Archimede nen noi dau co su lien he den Archimede la toi den xem. Nguoi ta dat ten Archemede Square nhung khong co gi lien he den Archimede ca. Sau do toi di den coastal area gan castle nhung ho khong cho vao castle nen toi di tro ve vai di ngang qua Piazza Domuno roi den Museum Archimede and Leonardo da Vinci. The museum dedicated to Archimedes and Leonnardo. Noi day figtures interactive giua cac machine ma 2 nha khoa hoc nay da kham pha ra,. Archemede kham pha ra Claw of Archemedes, the lever, the Catapult and the Hydraulic Screw.

Sau do toi di den Tempio Di Apollo duoc xay vao the ky thu 6 BCvoi 6 x7 column xay nen cho temple goi la Apollo. Stomachion la 17,152 different arrangements of the pieces and Stmachion is one of the first studies of geometrical combinatorics it is one of the main research tool of Archemedes. Sau do toi len xe hop on hop off di het 1 vong roi no ngung lai tai du thuyen va len hop on hop off di them 1 vong nua vi con thi gio vi di 1 vong Hop On hop off chi mat 45’. Khi bus tro lai du thuyen nua thi toi xuong va di bo den status canh bo bien ma duoc goi la Archimede Stomachion roi toi di nhanh ve thuyen truoc khi thuyen roi ben

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