Nice is Nice and Venice is Very Nice

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May 19th 2008
Published: May 19th 2008
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After going to Paris we were off to Barcelona. It is a cool city, more laid back. We didnt do too much. Just wandered around shopping and had some sangria and tapas. They have a lot of dogs there so dad would have liked it. Overall they are all very dog friendly. We saw a huge bulldog in a Picasso art store today and he was knocking stuff over, they didnt care, and we saw a waiter bring a dish of water out for a dog at a restaurant. It is cool.
We went off to Nice which is definately one of our favorite cities. There is a really nice coastline, and great shopping. We just walked around all day. We had a balcony at our hotel so we had some wine and sat and watched the people go buy.
Today we were in Venice, really great city, tons of pigeons who like to divebomb people. They really swarm you, I had to feed some though, how could I resist a grubby pigeon.
We also got to stop in Monaco at the Grand Casino. It was nice to hang out with old men and young ladies. There were some really nice cars there.
Really all we have been doing is drinking a lot of wine and eating some really good food. We got to see some glass blowing which was really cool, they did it so fast. We have a great group and we have a lot of fun together. Tomorrow we are going to Florence!


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