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April 21st 2008
Published: April 22nd 2008
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Trip Down the CanalTrip Down the CanalTrip Down the Canal

The "Water Bus"
I had almost come to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to be able to see Venice during this trip to Italy, because it's a very expensive trip from Siena, but this weekend I went with Jason, Sarah, and Ada and I was able to spend one night and two days in Venice for 100 euros!

Our trip started out about 9:30 Thursday when we caught our first train from Siena to Florence. Once in Florence we had a two hour layover, but we met some really cool people and went out with them before our 1:45 a.m. train to Venice came. While entering the train, Ada and I got separated from Jason and Sarah, and when we arrived in Venice at 5:30 a.m. Jason and Sarah were nowhere to be found. Apparently they slept through the stop and ended up about an hour and a half outside of Venice. This wouldn't have been too big of a problem, except Jason had all of our hostel information. So, Ada and I sat in the train station for about 2 hours until Jason called with directions to our hostel. When we left the train station, it was pouring outside
Trip Down the Canal Cont.Trip Down the Canal Cont.Trip Down the Canal Cont.

Jason, Sarah, and Ada
and Venice looked like it was getting ready to flood like it does 100 days out of the year. Thankfully, when we got to our hostel at about 8 a.m. they let us check in, so we took about a two hour nap after our exhausting train ride.

By the time we awoke, Jason and Sarah had arrived and it had stopped raining, so we ventured out into Venice! The first thing we did was take the "water bus" all the way down the Grand Canal and we got off at St. Mark's Square. We spent the rest of the day wondering down side streets, playing with pigeons (see pictures), and just enjoying the town.

Venice is one of the coolest places I've ever been, to be a fairly large city it's got a real small town feel to it, and I love the fact that there are no cars on the islands, only boats and gondolas, because all the roads are canals.

Of course Saturday morning when we woke up the sun was shining, but we didn't really have time to do too much before our train left at 1:30 p.m.

Additional photos below
Photos: 24, Displayed: 23


Trip Down the Canal Cont.Trip Down the Canal Cont.
Trip Down the Canal Cont.

A skull made out of cans in front of the contemporary art museum.
St. Mark's Square Cont.St. Mark's Square Cont.
St. Mark's Square Cont.

Jason and I feeding the pigeons.
St. Mark's Square Cont.St. Mark's Square Cont.
St. Mark's Square Cont.

Same place PaPa Jess took his picture about 50 years ago.
Venice ShoppingVenice Shopping
Venice Shopping

Venetian Glass Person
Venice Shopping Cont.Venice Shopping Cont.
Venice Shopping Cont.

One of about 50 mask stores.

22nd April 2008

So Cool
Tif, I am so glad you got to go to Vinence, especially that you go and get a pic at the same place that Papa Jess was almost fifty years ago. It will be a pic that you will cherish for years to come. I know you are really enjoying it, but it will soon be time to come home and share all your adventure with us, who may never get the opportunity. I go to spend some time with your mom and sis, the first of April, I really enjoyed it, sometime I forget how close we all are. Jess as really grown up during the last year, she is becoming a young woman and I have mixed emotion about that, it seems that you and Jess have grown up overnight. I hope that we can spend sometime together in the near future. I guess I am getting old and emotional, but you will understand some day, hopefully not in the near future. I best get back to work. Love ya and be safe!!
23rd April 2008

Tiff, Dad and I were talking, "just think you are about the same age as Papa Jess when he sat and stood in that same spot that you took your picture". That is so exciting....I know Papa would be so proud of you and he would be worried, also I can hear him now, should she be there by herself. He would still treat you as a little girl. (Sometimes just like you Dad does today!!) God has blessed you so much, with all the freedom you have to explore and to meet so many people in another country. I pray for your safety and most of all that when you come home that you can share in EVERYTHING that you have done. Even though we do have your travel blog, it's like being right there with you. We send our love and can't wait to hug you. Love Mom, Dad
25th April 2008

Its sooooo pretty!!! You are sooo lucky. Br greatful you have the way to go to places like this. I wish I did. Im very proud of you Tiffany!!!!
26th April 2008

WOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!! Great experiences!
Thank you for taking such wonderful pictures! Cannot wait to see you and hear about all your travels....Wekcome home!

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