Venice - Day 2, Monday 5th

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November 5th 2018
Published: November 5th 2018
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This morning we had our breakfast at a different café then wandered around the streets for a while, ending up at the Rialto Markets.

As it was a wet day, we mooched around the shops for a while and then came back to our hotel room at midday for a cup of tea and a rest before heading off again to go to Scuola Grande di San Rocco. This had amazing floors, wooden carvings and paintings along the walls and ornate carved and painted ceilings. They had large magnified mirrors there that you could use to walk around and look at reflections of the ceiling in.

Across from this was the Leonardo da Vinci Museum, which had copies of his paintings and wooden replicas of a lot of his inventions. You were allowed to touch them and see how they worked. There were replicas of tanks, machine guns, pistons, ball bearings, wings, a bicycle and all sorts of screws.

Our next stop was around the corner was the Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari.

This was our last bit of sightseeing; as we headed back to the hotel for a vino in the hotel bar and our room, prior to venturing out for dinner. We went back to our favourite restaurant again as it is close by and the food there is so tasty and cheaper than other places we have looked at.

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6th November 2018

Viewing photos
Great shots again. Thanks for keeping me up to date with your adventures.
6th November 2018

Venice day 2
Glad you are enjoying all the photos Mike. :-)

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