Time's flying!

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Siena
September 28th 2006
Published: September 28th 2006
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Ciao a tutti! Our three week intensive language course ended Friday, and this week is the beginning of our regular semester classes. I am taking four classes, but one of them actually counts as two classes, and my schedule looks really great. I will continue to have an Italian language class, then I also have an introductory Art History class, complete with field trips to Florence, a class on Ita... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 47, Displayed: 21


A view of the second town...A view of the second town...
A view of the second town...

We spent the day hiking along the water...
Laundry blowing in the breeze....Laundry blowing in the breeze....
Laundry blowing in the breeze....

I know, sort of creepy, but I find the laundry so photogenic....
Another breather....Another breather....
Another breather....

I was kind of embarrassed, but by the end of the hike, my face was the color of my shirt....
getting closer....getting closer....
getting closer....

I think this is around where I fell...no harm done, just some slight embarrassment...
Almost there...Almost there...
Almost there...

I could almost taste the gelato...

29th September 2006

WOW It looks like you are having fun can't wait to talk to you about it . see you later love ya, cindy
6th October 2006

You are just too funny
Elizabeth- I always look forward to reading about your adventures. Each time there's something in them that makes me laugh out loud. Your photos are stunning. What talents you have! I hope you had the most memorable of birthdays. Till next time...all my best...continue the adventure.
12th October 2006

Too much fun
Hey Elizabeth, Ive been having the greatest time reading your blogs and looking at the pictures. I beleive you have a natural eye for taking great photoghaphs, they are always so well centered.

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