Allergies. Boo.

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pistoia
September 5th 2006
Published: September 21st 2006
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My allergies are crazy right now. I can’t breathe through my nose when I wake up and my eyes are swollen and watery. At least my stomach pains have subsided and I’m able to really enjoy my meals again.

Today we venture back into Pistoia, I’m going to buy a digital camera so I can post pictures of all the wonderful sights. Though pictures probably won’t do them the justice they deserve. I wish there was a way to put in perspective the places I am touring. Especially the gigantic size of the cathedrals…Think of our modern skyscrapers…

I have a couple of stories of good fortune to share. I haven’t received my debit card yet, so I’ve been very limited as to where I can buy things. But I did receive an extra bus ticket by chance so I’ll be able to travel to and from the villa into town on my own a couple of times AND yesterday in at a sandwich shop in Florence I found 5 euros lying on the ground, with which I purchased lunch.

Forgot to mention that I lit a candle in the big cathedral in Florence for all of you back home whom I love and miss.

Tomorrow! Pisa! The leaning tower and more!


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