Trip to McDonalds

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence
January 12th 2008
Published: February 9th 2008
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On about our 10th day in Florence, we decided to eat something familiar and ventured through the rain to McDonald’s. We all got the usual. I ordered a Filet of Fish (my favorite sandwich at McDonald’s) and found it to be the best Filet of Fish I have ever eaten. I imagine that had something to do with how well steamed the bun was and how much extra tartar sauce there was. Dean said his Big Mac tasted just like a Big Mac - and he could use a couple more. He ate slowly and savored it (something new for him). The children thought the very salty fries were the best they’d ever eaten, and neither of them likes fries very much. So it was a wonderful meal all around. The only downside was that our bill was 23 Euro. That’s $35 to feed a family of four at McDonald’s! My father would be appalled and I don’t even want to THINK about what my thrifty, survived-the-depression grandfather would have said about such an extravagance! (It was totally worth it though. I think we’ll go there once a month!)


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