Leaning tower of Pisa ( and pizza!!)

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence
July 13th 2005
Published: July 14th 2005
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Leaning tower of pisaLeaning tower of pisaLeaning tower of pisa

Me holding up the tower
We drove from France into Italy, the scenery was stunning along the way. We drove along the coast and it was amazing. We stopped off for lunch and I had the biggest, best, most delicious slice of pizza, it was heaven! But what else would you expect, we're in Italy! Then we went to the leaning tower of Pisa, and yep, it's leaning all right. Very impressive. Then we arrived at our cabins in Florence. It's been the best accomodation yet, really cute little cabins. So we're happy that we're here for 2 nights. We went into town to a bar and drank and danced. Dana and I weren't really in the mood for a 'contiki only' night (the place was just full of contiki people) so went for a walk around Florence, it was lovely. We accidently stumbled acrosss an outdoor concert they were having in the centre of town. Later on we headed back to the camp site and partied on. We didn't expect a big night, but it turned out to be heaps of fun.


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