Time for a quieter day ...

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August 23rd 2017
Published: August 23rd 2017
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You know it's time for a quiet day when returning from dinner you ask for the key and insist the room number is the one from your previous hotel!!! So today our alarm clock was the church bell from Chiesa San Lorenzo a couple of doors down and we didn't have to catch a bus, water ferry, vaporetto, boat or taxi so managed to make it to breakfast by the crack of 9!!

We then took the "Green Way del Lario Lago di Como" (aka a walk along the waterfront) to Villa Carlotta - museum and garden. For anyone not interested in gardens, hit delete now. They were absolutely magnificent and we wandered around them for nearly 2 hours. There were only annuals and some ferns in bloom but there were many sections so there must be something blooming all year around. There was a rhododendron, azalea, hydrangea, camellia and bamboo garden to name a few as well as a small museum with some original implements from the original garden including a concrete roller, push mower, etc. I remember my Dad having both so they can't have been all that old!!

Villa Carlotta was built in 1695 by the son of a silk merchant and completed in 1745. The garden was first mentioned in 1699. The property passed through many hands and was eventually given to Charlotte, Duchess on her marriage (hence the name). Once again here is someone who hardly had time to enjoy her home because she died in childbirth at 23. At the end of WWI the Italian government was going to auction the villa but a group of philanthropists stepped in and formed Ente Villa Carlotta which celebrated 90 years this year. The house is a museum with works of art from it's original days and other exhibitions including a fascinating one showing the way wood can be used to make musical instruments and the history of beads!!

We know comparisons are odious but we decided we definitely preferred the gardens of Villa Carlotta to Villa Balbianello and the actual villas, while totally different, are both very interesting.

We had another picnic lunch on the shores of Lake Como at Cadenabbia after finding the only Anglican Church in the area that had been pointed out to us from the water yesterday - the Church of the Ascension, which was built in 1891 to accommodate the English who holidayed in the area. Sadly it is a reminder that not all beautiful buildings have been restored and it takes a lot of money to do even a small amount. Some restoration work has been done and anyone who wants to donate E100 can pay for the restoration of one panel in the front doors!! Mike was particularly impressed by the notice that "if you would like to help with refreshments after the service, jump behind the Bar and serve a few cups of wine or water" - and we thought "real" coffee at WVAC was good!!

Imagine our surprise when the turtle statues on the rocks in the Chiesa San Lorenzo fountain moved - they were real as were the fish - right on the busy main road that joins all the villages on this side of Lake Como!!

We have had a lazy afternoon as it is hot. I thought I'd follow the "Green Way" in the other direction but all uphill and no shade helped me come to my senses after about 20 minutes so we are now at the pool. It is to be even hotter tomorrow so surprised if you find us here again tomorrow afternoo!!


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Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


Restoration or not?Restoration or not?
Restoration or not?

Two restored mosaics either side of the front door Restored window and unrestored windiw Stain glass rosette - restored

23rd August 2017

Thanks so much for taking on this amazing journey with you. The pics are fantastic and so pleased you are having such a great time. Sure beats the cold weather back home I'm sure!!
24th August 2017
More gardens - note the citrus arbour

Beautiful Lake Como
Dear Ann and Mike, so enjoying your blog and beautiful photos. Lake Como and surrounds look amazing. ( have you seen George Clooney?) I agree with you Ann about the visiting the quieter smaller places. Your stamina is awe inspiring! Enjoy the warmth, still cold in Canberra! Bryan and I are now in Queensland enjoying the warmth which is helping to ease the pain in my arm! God bless, enjoy the rest of your holiday, love from Bryan and Cynthia.
24th August 2017

Thanks for the lovely photos and the informative descriptions about your travels in northern Italy. We feel that we are traveling with you. It is a cool but sunny day in Canberra today, but your Italian warmth is coming through to us!
25th August 2017

Quieter Day
What beautiful gardens and stunning views! And my kind of Church too. After all, what's not to like about a few cups of wine after the service? (PS: Note to self: Beware ... there's a theme emerging here.)

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