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Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan
September 7th 2004
Published: September 7th 2004
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I have arrived and am here in my apartment. As I was walking down my street I saw all of these beautiful apartments with balconies. They all looked really nice except for this one on the end with graffiti all over the place. I kept saying please don’t be mine, please don’t be mine. Bui guess what? It is my building.

I received another shock because I thought the apartment was two-bedroom not a two bed room. But there is surprisingly a lot of space and tons of closet room. The best part is I have a balcony. The view isn’t the best but I sit out there every morning.

I also have a maid who comes everyday and cleans the bathroom, empties the garbage, and makes my bed. Once a week she even changes the towels and sheets. She is really nice but comes at 9:30 in the morning and I don’t have class until 11:30 so that kind of sucks.

My roommate’s name is Carol and she is really nice. She is from San Bernardino California and goes to school at UC-Irvine. We get along pretty well and will often go out to dinner or walk to class together.
I’ve already started to make friends from all over including Edna and Pablo from Colombia, Georgiana and Zillia from Germany, some French dude whose name I can never pronounce, and Enzo and Pier from Italy.

I visited the Duomo on my first day and it is amazing. It is under construction right now but what isn’t looks really beautiful. Milan is pretty sophisticated and quite pricy but I’m beginning to adapt already. It is really hard to find people that speak English so my Italian is improving rapidly. I think I am going to like it here.


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