Beautiful Cinque Terre

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Europe » Italy » Liguria » Cinque Terre
July 11th 2006
Published: July 16th 2006
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Posting Time: 10:30am Location: Spain, Zaragoza, Raquel´s apartment

We went our own way in Florence´s train station. I decided to stay in florence for another afternoon before heading to Lucca (off Pisa) for the night. I watched the first half of the soccer game in Pisa and second half in Lucca. Lucca is a interesting town. The city wall is still around the city. It is a great place to stay for a day. The next morning, I met up with Katie from US and travel to Cinque terre together.

Cinque Terre (5 fishing Villages) seem to exist apart from the rest of italy. The villages clusters of random coloured houses surrounded by olive graves and vineyards. I forgot to mention these villages also provide breathtaking views of the ocean. The ocean around cinque terre is now protected by the government (national park).

I stayed in Levanto (pop. 6000) which is next to Cinque Terre. It was really hard to find a place to stay in Cinque Terre. I think I got lucky. Personally I prefer a place just outside of the main area and there is a train to CInque terre every half an hour. Besides it also has a beach in here. The direction to the hostel of just cross the bridge from the train station was far from the truth.

I stayed there for 3 nights. At first, I felt a little lonely, mainly because I have been travelling with a group of people for a while. But I am not shy. I can meet anyone anytime.


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