Damsel in Technological Distress

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February 2nd 2010
Published: February 2nd 2010
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It's gotten to the point where it's funny, actually, these technological difficulties which seem to follow me wherever I go, be it Texas or Italy...

I) The internet here is "different" than in the US, which I've learned is code for "goes out all the time." After a couple weeks of wrestling with it though, I've come up with a system of rebooting the internet whenever it decides to go out, which is very often.

II) The power cable for my computer fell into disrepair, and had some exposed wire. Happily, I was able to find some electrical tape and fix that right up. It's just one of those "go figure" sort of things...

III) My camera is no more 😞 (Charles Wallace is very disappointed.) The other day the lens simply stopped reacting; I suspect that a spring is loose somewhere. LUCKILY, there is a warranty. Unfortunately, I'm still working out the details of accessing said warranty from abroad... Details (and hopefully pictures!) soon to come.

IV) Our washing machine is possessed.

V) So is the television sitting on the refrigerator.

VI) The refrigerator likes to either not be cold enough and let the milk go sour (setting 5) or turn everything into icicles (setting 7, the highest.) I think we may finally have found a happy medium at roughly 6 and a third.

VII) I've learned that "dual voltage" can actually be a myth, and it's much better to buy a hairdryer here.

VIII) My bedroom lamp prefers certain angles of the cord to others...

XI) Hot water only happens when you flush the toilet five times or so (over the course of the shower). And water pressure is an adventure too.

Looking at these technological adventures from another perspective, Caesar et al lived very happily in Rome without any of these technological amenities. The Renaissance came and went without them too. I am actually having a lovely time in Rome, and all these things are just part of the overall study abroad experience.

Ciao for now!


4th February 2010

My Camera Has Changed Its Mind
This is going to sound a little crazy, but I think my technological apparati (plural for apparatus?) take after me in that they respond to boys. My camera, which I looked at from EVERY angle and which seemed permanently broken (the lens refused to return to a closed position and it rattled a LOT), started working the moment my roommate's guyfriend touched the power button. I think this only solidifies my self-proclaimed title, damsel in technological distress. A few words about that title; it was first bestowed on me by a well-meaning guyfriend who was trying to fix my remote. Here's the story behind it all. I got a rather wonderful television set, complete with original remote, cable and an extra speaker for my computer, at a church garage sale for about $20. Naturally the original remote didn't work (considering my technologically impaired status) so I went to Wal-Mart and got a new Universal Remote for minimal expense. I didn't even try to read the enormously complicated directions; I called in the guyfriends. It took one of them just a few minutes to get the remote working, then we manually reset the channels to this cable. The next day, only the mute button on the remote worked. I do not see how this could possibly relate back to me, except that perhaps I am indeed doomed to be a Damsel in Technological Distress.

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