around the house stuff

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February 4th 2006
Published: February 4th 2006
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nostalgic for the old sidewalknostalgic for the old sidewalknostalgic for the old sidewalk

all the fences.. surrounding holes in the ground. why, you ask? because we are a group of italian constuction men and we feel like it. that's why.
just checking in, letting everyone know i'm alive and well. i'm trying to get used to school and to cling to that positive feeling i have at the moment when i think of my classes. very important.
so i haven't been traveling too far.. at all. like even in the city. i think since i've been getting into the swing of things at school, my appetite for wandering far from home has been slightly subdued. lately i've only really been exploring the immediate area, which is pretty wonderful still so don't be too upset for me. i've been spending most of my nighttimes in trastevere where there are tons and tons of restaurants and bars and churches and gypsies.. all kinds of fun things. there is this one old lady who puts on bad pop music and dances to it. for hours. and not even dance, moves. the lady moves to the music. back and forth back and forth with her hands and she bounces a little. all night. AND we've seen her twice now, in two different parts of the city. i should have taken her picture, but alas i'm sure i'll see her again. also in trastevere is really
hole in the groundhole in the groundhole in the ground

and my green gate right in front of it. how could i be so insensitive.. putting a gate right in the way of your hole in the ground! i am terribly sorry.
good pizza. you know, i should think things through. how bout i take pictures of these places and post them at another time instead of describe things here without visual representation. i know that is all you care about. you want to read a smidgen of my ridiculous writing just to confirm that i am still me, and then you want pictures! freaking pictures of italy!! i know. i get it now, and will do better next time. i do have a few pictures for today so all is not lost..
i'm going to start off with pictures of my street and how it was not in tact, the way i left it, when i came home from class on day. i have no idea what the problem is, but in the space of two hours somebody dug SEVEN holes in my sidewalk. aaaand of course one was right in front of the gate to my building. aaaand it was wonderful. now it has finally been filled back in but the stones haven't been put back so where once there was a sidewalk, now there is a pile of dirt. i hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.
the other pictures are
sooo good!sooo good!sooo good!

tortelloni and some other pasta with cream sauce topped with bacon bits, lemon chicken with a butter sauce, and wine.
all from out apartment. they show very important things. 1. i cut my hair, and dyed it. i know what you're saying. i know. maybe i'm getting old or something. 2. thanks to my roommate leslie, sometimes i actually eat well. 3. we have a ton of fun, i was pretty freakin lucky to get the house that i did.
sooo i'll get on that picture thing so you guys can see where i hangout and stuff. oh and i went though a gorgeous park yesterday, i was running and it started to get dark and i thought i was lost.. i ran really fast. but yea, maybe tomorrow i'll get some pictures of that too.. during the daytime.. with a compass.

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me and ellenme and ellen
me and ellen

lets put aside the funny faces for a moment and notice that we have matching piercings in this picture.
my housematesmy housemates
my housemates

in their new gear from the outlet mall
and againand again
and again

they are just too great
with me this timewith me this time
with me this time

notice my new arm warmers. hehehehehe

7th February 2006

hair. the musical.
i love the hair. so happy you did the front bang thing. i'm going to too. i dont know if you check the messages on this thing, but i sent you one. i love you.

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