I cant believe the semester is almost over!!

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December 10th 2005
Published: December 10th 2005
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Christmassy streetsChristmassy streetsChristmassy streets

near our house. they've been putting up christmas lights on a lot of smaller streets around rome. its really pretty.
Yesterday was our day for final exams. we still have a couple of projects due on mon. that i still need to do some work on. but instead i'll catch up on this thing. the exams were pretty easy, but it was terrible getting ready for them. that morning was soo rainy and miserable and i got soaked. i think rome is going to float away. the tiber is flooded so much i dont think we're going to see the sidewalks again before we leave. i cant believe we're leaving so soon. Megann left this morning and Rachel is leaving tomorrow. A lot of people are leaving next weekend, so hopefully i will get to see them that night when we get back from amsterdam. i am so excited about that trip!! i will be there in 3 days. but when we get back we all have to pack up and leave and stay in the london airport for 20 hours on a layover. not worth the money to go into actual london. maybe then i will actually sleep on the plane on the way home. i did not on the way here. i can't wait to see everyone when i

SOO good. made vegetable soup and cornbread one night at our place
get back. anyway, last night the quinns had a huge end of semester party at their place and everyone was there. davide and emilio and barbara and samia and their families. (they all work for the center). and there was sooooo much good food. i stuffed myself. but the party was right after the tests so it was only like 4 when we were there. i thought it was so late and i looked at my watch and it was 8. ha. we're going to climb the dome of st. peter's on monday, hopefully, since its been so rainy and i want to go when its a clear day. its really nice today, but saturday is so busy there. anyway i better go do some actual work now.

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Church of the JubileeChurch of the Jubilee
Church of the Jubilee

we went here with davide one day. its pretty cool. out in the middle of nowhere in these poor neighborhoods. built by some famous architect.
stupid picturesstupid pictures
stupid pictures

there's a place that sells art near the square by our house and a lot of the stuff looks really cool, except for these. its so cheesy. i finally got a picture of them.

this is the food samia and barbara bought from the bakery near the center. ahhhhh. trust me it was good.
Primo's jacketsPrimo's jackets
Primo's jackets

Primo's is a bar near school where some of the girls go every day to get their coffee fix in the morning and liquor fix at night. they finally got their hoodies yesterday.

Tricia wanted to take our picture, but our mouths were full.
Davide and his wifeDavide and his wife
Davide and his wife

unwrapping a happy hippo for her. how sweet.
Samia and BarbaraSamia and Barbara
Samia and Barbara

they've helped us so much this semster, getting everything organized for us.
Emilio and all of usEmilio and all of us
Emilio and all of us

He was being so crazy funny last night. but really not so much in this pictre though. he doesnt really look too happy here.
the tiberthe tiber
the tiber

i wish i had a picture to put up pre-flood for comparison, but i dont. so trust me that its up way high. there are huge sidewalk things about 5 feet under the water level along the sides.
Ostia BeachOstia Beach
Ostia Beach

Yeah i know this is an old picture, but i was going through them and i just thought i'd put it back up since it was so pretty and all.

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