School days!

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April 1st 2008
Published: April 1st 2008
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At schoolAt schoolAt school

Heather, Lauren, Jenny and I in school.
I am just finishing up my second day of class. This has been VERY intense so far. We're generally in school from 9:30 or 10am until 7 or 8:30pm each day (a few very short breaks in between). It has been great to actually be in school again and to learn new things, even though I do actually know English already 😊 But it amazes me as to what you could forget after not learning grammer for 14 years. And I was never trained to be a "teacher" before, so the methodology classes are quite interesting and I think will always help me in the future. It is good knowledge to have.

I am sooooo hungry right now. Surprisingly I have lost some weight already. All we do is walk here. I haven't had any fried food, or heavy food at all. Lots of panini, pasta, espresso, cappuccino, gelato and a little pasta. We are going to get some dinner, and then go to a bar to watch the craziness that is European soccer at it's's the Manchester United vs Roma game in a little more than an hour at Stadio Olympico. They advised the Man U fans not to go to certain places in the city for fearing death. Haha, this is great! I can't wait to experience this in person.

I have to admit that the first day I was feeling a little "blah" and wondering if I made a bad decision coming here. The more I think about it, the less I like where we live. But I love the nicer neighborhoods, and the school is in a great area. Plus, I like all my new friends from school. It has been great so far, and I can't wait to see what this weekend has in store for us.

Well, I better get going so I can get some dinner now. I hope everyone is doing well back in the states. Miss you guys!


1st April 2008

Blah??? lol
Um, def not blah! You probably were just tired, that is why you were thinking it might be a bad decision....remember you guys are going to look for a new area in which to live so that weirdness about the area will go away! I wish I was there!!!! The time will go SO QUICK!
1st April 2008

2nd April 2008

Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, Glory glory Man united, As the reds go marching up up up!
10th April 2008

Lots of panini, pasta, espresso, cappuccino, gelato sounds great... especially if you have a little pasta on top. ;-) Leave it to me to comment on that. Sounds like you're enjoying the walks. Not too many places in the world you can walk for a few hours and see stuff like that. Sup with some pics?

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