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February 24th 2008
Published: February 25th 2008
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The West side of the Capri, with breath taking views
Well I am getting ready to wrap up my travels abroad and I have so loved being in Italy. You know its interesting I really had no desire to come to Italy, all I wanted to do was be in nature and warmth and swim, but I’ve had great experiences in Rome and yesterday I went to Capri, this was one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places I’ve ever been to in my life, my only wish would have been that it was warmer so that I could have swam in the Mediterranean, it was calling my name so much. Actually the only thing that could have made my entire trip any better would have been had it been warmer.

(As a quick side note, I’ve written to Dov and let him know that when he sails around the world to plan his time in Italy when it is warm so that we can meet in Capri and swim together in the Blue Grotto’s, this will bring so much joy to my heart and I look forward to the day when this will arrive!)

I had a great time being a tourist, unfortunately it was not warm enough for me to just be in nature and read and paint and just spend time writing, so my only options were to stay in my room and do those things, or become the ultimate tourist and walk everywhere there was something to see in Rome.

As many of you already know, I ate my way across Rome one day, having pizza at every spot that looked great! I had a couple of prerequisites:
1. The crust had to be nice and thin
2. The toppings had to look like something I wanted
3. And Three, I had to feel it

Most of the people would be very surprised when I only took two small pieces, what they did not realize is that I had just visited another spot an hour or two before. Oh my poor body, I’ve been having daily conversations with it asking that it be kind to me and not hold on to any of the things I’ve put into my body that should not be there.

The other 3 days in Rome I walked, and walked and walked, the first day my friends Thomas and Tony (for some reason I thought his name was
Me and Tony Me and Tony Me and Tony

at Patos
Charles, so I called him that the entire time and only when I was leaving did I finally find out that was not his name, he never corrected me, he had a big crush on me and even then never corrected me). One night as I was saying goodnight, he asked if I would be going to bed with Thomas, when I said “Oh No!” He said in his broken English, “Oh then me and you,” I said “no thank you but I’m very flattered!” Anyway, when Thomas told me I was crazy for walking everywhere that I did, then Tony chimed in and said I was three times crazy! I thought it was great, I got great exercise (after all I was eating my way through the town) and seeing wonderful buildings and so much history.

I then spent a day at the Coliseum and ruins, it was really incredible to see, the history is so old, it’s nothing we as “American’s” can relate to… Our history only being 400 years old. Well that is not true, being that our American Indian brother and sisters have been living on this land for much - much longer, but their relationship with the earth is so different than that of Rome! That day I found a warm spot to listen to music and paint and write that was nice, but it really was just a little too cold! Had it just been 10 to 15 degrees warmer, it would have been perfect for what I was looking for.

So having seen everything I wanted to in Rome and wanting to see Capri, I made my way down south. Naples was really interesting, the hostel I stayed in I could afford, but really it was a dive, I was in a dorm situation but with very nice young girls. However the man at the front desk was very creepy to me (I would imagine if he could he would have a hidden camera in our room), that made me feel a little uneasy but the girls were so nice I was careful and made my way through. Everyone frightened me a little about Naples, everywhere I went I could feel men watching me, and I do mean everywhere, here I could not tell the difference between men just looking at a woman and those who were trying to find someone who was a good target! So I never made eye contact with a single person on the street and just always made my way to where I needed to be. Also I was told to take off all jewelry and not carry any bag… All this made my trip a little unsettling; it was actually the first time in 3 weeks of traveling internationally that I felt uneasy. Otherwise I felt wonderful and safe the entire time.

So that night I found Pizzeria da Michele, which is the pizza place that Elizabeth Gilbert talks about in “Eat, Pray, Love” and had the recommended pizza, they only make two kinds, I ordered what she recommended the margarita with extra cheese, there was too much cheese for me, I actually had to take almost half of it off for me to eat it. It was amazing, it was exactly how she described it and I loved every bit. I then went back to my hostel since everyone scared me about walking around Naples and continued reading “From Copper to Gold” for those of you who have not read it, it really is a wonderful story of one woman’s spiritual journey, it
Pizzeria da MichelePizzeria da MichelePizzeria da Michele

This was the perfect pizza...
took me a while to get into it, but now I am enjoying every page and so many experiences that I am relating to! So the next morning, I got up bright and early and headed out to the boat for Capri, it was a wonderful ride over, being on the ocean always brings me so much joy and even though it was cold I wanted to be up on the deck, so I bundled up and dealt with it!

Capri was more beautiful than I could have imagined, the water was amazingly blue and the only thing that could have made the day any better is if it would have been summer so that I could have swam all day long, that would have brought my heart so much joy! The Blue Grotto is exactly like it is in pictures, although my complaint here is that we were only in the cave for less than 4 minutes, it went by way too fast… But then I spent the rest of the day walking and finding beautiful spots to write and pray and be, it was all that I needed in just the right time!

And on my

Inside the Blue Grotto, oh my was this amazing
way back to Naples, the first mate of the ship that I was taking back took a liking to me and invited me to take the trip across with the captain and crew, it was wonderful riding up top and the captain and all the crew really liked having me with them.

And then it was back to Pizzeria da Michele for my last pizza, this time I ordered the half & half (margarita which was a wonderful tomato sauce with cheese, fresh basil and olive oil and the marinara which was tomato sauce roasted garlic, oregano and olive oil) it was perfect, I’ve attached a picture. I know there are many of you who have never seen me eat pizza before, I use to when I lived in Chicago, and about once a year in LA, but for the most part I never touch the stuff, as I said, I’ve asked my body for patience and to not hold onto anything that it should not! I hope it cooperates with me 

After a wonderful dinner I went back to the hostel and while waiting for the computer my dorm mates were in the kitchen and they

Me inside the Blue Grotto, oh my was this amazing, I can't wait to go back...
asked me where I’ve been traveling, when I told them I had just returned from my Bahá’í Pilgrimage they started asking me all kinds of questions about the faith, for the next hour in a half, I answered question after question after question, it was wonderful. It’s very interesting, lately when people have asked me about the Bahá’í Faith, I’ve been asking them “do you want the nut shell version or one with more substance?” And both times that I’ve done this, they have asked for the version with more substance, usually I assume that people only want the nut shell version when they ask, whereas now I give them the option and I’m actually able to give them what they are looking for instead of me judging (possibly incorrectly).

And then back to Rome to prepare to come home… My train ride back home was very surprising, while waiting for the train I was ready “From Cooper to Gold” and then when I got on the train I started listening to my “Pilgrimage play list” on my ipod which is some of my favorite prayers as songs with a few additions like Stevie Wonder’s “The World is in Need of Love today” (which by the way Jamey thank you for awakening me to, you made me fall in love with this song) and Helen Baylor’s “Our God is an Awesome God,” and little Emma’s “Rosebud” and then I was inspired to take out my prayer book and I prayed and as I did tears continued to pour out my eyes, I was so moved, just like I was while I was in the shrines on pilgrimage. I tried to control it a little since I was on a public train, but the spirit was so great I could not help it (and thankful there were only 2 other people I could see and they were asleep). By the way, for those of you who are a part of this play list - JB and Eric, KC, Lin, Emma, Tara and Jamey, Devon and yes (if I knew how to reach Mr. Wonderland and Mrs. Baylor I would too) I think you from the depths of my soul for your beautiful works of art, they added so much to my pilgrimage I can’t even begin to express in words, but you all as artists know I’m sure what I mean, thank you through all the worlds of God!

I am so thankful for this opportunity to have traveled and not rushed back into all the responsibilities of home. There are not many times in your life where you can take 3 weeks away for intensive prayer and meditation time, I am so grateful for this opportunity and know that my life is blessed because of it. I know that I have very important things to do upon my return and I am ready for everything that lies ahead. I feel rejuvenated, fulfilled, hopeful and invigorated. In this book that I am reading the secretary of Shoghi Effendi wrote to Dorothy Baker “…that your pilgrimage may so deeply quicken and refresh your soul as to give you renewed vision and an added stimulus to labour for the spread of the Message.” It was amazing because when I read this, I wrote in the book “this is exactly what my pilgrimage has done for me…” And what a blessing that I had all these feelings as a part of my journey and then I saw this confirmation, I guess I experienced exactly what pilgrimage is meant to be. I’m sure it is a different experience for everyone who goes, but this was exactly my experience.

May each of you be able to someday experience this wonderful bounty, if you have not yet signed up for Pilgrimage do it right away, please I beg of you. And for those of you who are not Bahá’ís, I have begged God on your behalf to have such fulfilling spiritual experiences, to feel it and know it, to be able to feel the spirit of God on earth, it’s the most powerful thing I could ever possibly feel and I pray that you too will be able to experience it! We are so loved by our Creator and to feel enveloped in that love is something that is hard to put into words.


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