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September 23rd 2005
Published: October 8th 2005
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Subiaco is a little town settled at the bottom of the mountain where Santa Scolastica and Monestary Benedettini are located. Both of which are obviously monestaries that are inhabited by about 20 monks. The Monestary Benedettini is where Saint Benedict came to seclude himself and devote himself to study. The monestary was built literally on the side of the mountain and is one of the most amazing structures I have seen. The spaces are literally just attached to the existing rock face. There really is no better way to explain it. The interior of the chapel was beautifully painted with frescoes and so where most of the halls leading down to where the cave that Benedict stayed in.

After our trek in Subiaco, we were treated to a lunch in the beautiful hill-town of Cervara. Cervara sits on top of a mountain about 1800 meters above ground. It is a quaint, small town of about 300 people maximum. Our professor Davide has a house in town, so we got the grand tour of the town and were treated to a most amazing lunch and the town's only restaurant. The view was spectacular, and thankfully it was a beautiful day. We just hung out for about 2 hours drinking wine and eating (more drinking really) and then he took us up to the peak where the view would rival any that I have seen yet.

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