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October 5th 2005
Published: October 5th 2005
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alrighty its lunch break on my horrible wednesday. dante and italian got switched so we had italian this morning. easier to concentrate when i'm not so exhausted. but still i was ready to get out of there. plus we're not getting out of school today til 6:30 and i have to go to standa before they close at 8 to get the stuff for switzerland!! yay we're going to switzerland tomorrow! i have to buy gloves and a hat and some bread and nutella and apples. and then i need to pack tonight. Yesterday we were supposed to go to some museum for emilio's class. so we got on a bus and went all the way to near termini and walked up to the museum. but we cant get in. some people were on strike or something. the strike looked like a lot of fun. it was more like a parade. flags and drums and whistles. i took some pictures. i have no idea who was striking, but htey sure know how to have a good time. we figured out how to use our espresso maker the other day so we're making it for ourselves now a couple of times a day. that saves a lot of trouble. i really want to buy a little one to take home with me. the next few weeks are going to be insane with traveling. this weekend is switzerland, next weekend is florence, the next weekend is ravenna, but i'm skipping that one because i need a week off, and the weekend after that is vienna. then there's a couple weeks with just maybe a day trip or something, then we're going to Munich for thanksgiving!! i'm really excited about that too. i just hope we get it together in time. oh i ate at mcdonalds last night. sarah was going, so i figured i might as well go get a burger. ahhhh. i hate mcdonalds back home, but these are pretty inside and they're really nice there and they bring the food to you and as soon as i took a bite of my mcroyale deluxe..ahhh it was soo good. one of the better fast food experiences i've had. it was so nice to finally eat a hamburger. i've almost solved the bug problem in our apartment. well not solved, but i did find a way to fight back. i made an awesome flyswatter out of a cereal box and a paintbrush. its pretty sweet. obviously i have had an amazing past few days since i'm writing about my flyswatter and all, but still.. i'm in rome talking about my flyswatter, so there. so anyway, i finally got ahold of james melnick also from cabot. he's studying to be a priest here in rome for the next five years. so we met up for gelato the other night and he showed me around parts of the vatican. AND he said that he can reserve us a place at a papal mass if we're here during the next one. how awesome would that be? so anyway, i dont have too much else to say. next update will be about switzerland!


5th October 2005

A McRoyale with Cheese
Check out the big brain on Brett. So what do they call a Whopper in Rome?

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