Day 3

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January 26th 2007
Published: January 27th 2007
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Ciao Bello!

Today was amazing! We had orientation this morning at 9:00, it was only an hour and a half, but then a few of us wandered around by school. There’s this adorable park right across the street from school, so we went there to walk around. Then we all attempted to find food somewhere, but that wasn’t successful. I ended up walking back to my apartment with my roommate, it only took about 20 minutes, and we were walking slow and made a few stops.

We stopped at a Tabbachi shop: that’s sort of like a general stuff store. Postcards, cigarettes, bus tickets, lotto tickets, that sort of thing. We needed bus tickets so we got what we needed and continued on. We stopped at a little pastry shop and each got something to nibble on for our walk home. When we got back to our apartment, everyone else was there, but asleep. I wasn’t tired so I hung out for awhile, called my mom, read a book, anything to keep myself busy.

(side note: We all watch Grey’s Anatomy, and we all knew that you could watch it online, so we weren’t worried about it, but little do they tell you in America, that only people in American can do that. It’s the strangest thing. So Tara, one of my roommates had iTunes credit, so she’s going to buy as many episodes as possible so we can watch) So, when everyone got up, we watched Grey’s Anatomy.

Then we decided to go into the city to get dinner. There’s an apartment of guys from our school just up the road from us, (which we just recently discovered) and they told us how to get the tram into the city, which would be a lot easier then how we went the other day with everyone. So we walked down to the end of the road, and got on the tram.

We knew there were a few little restaurants by the Pantheon, so we headed that direction. We didn’t even realize until we got there, that probably more people would speak English, since it’s such a touristy area. We found a place we likes and sat down. Our waiter was great. He spoke English, but he figured out we were students, so he made us speak Italian. He’s was cool about it though, he’d help us out with words we didn’t know, but that was defiantly helpful because we’re all trying to learn, but if people keep speaking English, we’ll never learn!

He told us how to get a few places - such as the Trevi Fountain! My roommate Christie and I literally jumped out of our chairs when he said it was right down the road. It was amazing. We were eating dinner, in Rome, under the stars, in front of the Pantheon. I think it’s finally hit me: I’m in Rome…

So after dinner we got gelato, and went to the Trevi Fountain. We were planning on meeting up with some people to go out, but they weren’t ready so we went back to our apartment, and just met them there, and then headed back into the city. I think our entire school ended up at the same bar. Most people left after a little while, but we stayed until about 2:30, so we could catch the last tram back before 3:00.

We had a busy day today, and now I’m exhausted, maybe I’ll actually fall asleep tonight…buona notte!


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