Last days in Tuscany and Rome!

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November 16th 2006
Published: November 16th 2006
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Leaning TowerLeaning TowerLeaning Tower

This buggers heavy!!
For our final day in Tuscany we decided spend half the day in Pisa and the afternoon/evening around Siena. Apart from the leaning tower and church behind it, there's not really that much to see around there. The tower itself looks like it's about to topple at any minute. You can actually get to top as well but it involves some 'backhanded' payment to the guard. I didn't have much on me otherwise I might have tried slipping a tenner and a bag of grapes into his pocket. On the plus side, the sun was beating down so I was loving the weather. Mid November and here I was supping an Italian latte outside in the sunshiiiiiiinnnnneee!

Late afternoon we headed for Siena which is like an old mediaval town. The Piazza del Campo in the centre is the main focal point and it's covered in cafe's and ice cream shops. The place itself is a lot like Florence apart from on a smaller scale with medieval type churches and windy back allies. I think we probably got there at the wrong time as it looked like it was beginning to wind down a bit. It's another place ticked off
Leaning TowerLeaning TowerLeaning Tower

Not sure how it's still standing

The next day we caught the high speed train to Rome and set about trying to find a place to stay. We eventually ended up at a B&B called, "Davids Flat" where our room was situated on the 6th floor and with no lift there, to say it's a ballache is an understatement! After a good nights kip we headed off early to see Rome's many sights. The Colosseum was first on the hit list and the place itself is pretty impressive although a lot of it has worn away over the years. We then visited the Circus Maximus, Roman Forum and onto the Piazza Venezia. One word, unbe-f@cking-lievable! Or is that 3? The building is covered in all sorts of ornate stone carvings and statues. It makes it to number 2 in the list of the great buildings behind Barnsley Town Hall obviously! For the rest of the day we visited the Piazza Navona, Trevi Fountain and at night, the Pantheon for a evening meal. Apart from the lucky lucky men there (not sure of the PC term here...) who were selling handbags and watches, it's a great place to spend an evening. Some American bloke played acoustic guitar in front of the restaurant which added to the exerience until some Italian rozzer told him to shift, the bleading spoil sport!

I'm not really upto much today apart from browsing t'internet and getting some weshing done, tomorrow we're off to the Pope's estate to have a pint with him so that should be a good crack. Still not managed to find a place to connect my camera though, I'll keep at it!

Okocha later


Additional photos below
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Piazza VeneziaPiazza Venezia
Piazza Venezia

Focal point of Rome

Home from home
Roman RuinsRoman Ruins
Roman Ruins

From the Roman Forum, this is BC!

Rome's version of Oakwell
Piazza VeneziaPiazza Venezia
Piazza Venezia

Rocky Rocky Rocky!!!
Trevi FountainTrevi Fountain
Trevi Fountain

Chucked a cent in for good luck

16th November 2006

When in Rome
Thanks for the update lad - sounds like you're whizzing around a bit quickly. There's a lot to see in Rome so take your time otherwise you'll be absolutely knackered. Trevi Fountain looks good when it's lit up a night - should get a decent photograph there. The tradition is to make a wish as you lob three coins over your shoulder into the water. Don't know if that's a real tradition or whether it just stems from the Frank Sinatra film which was called strangely enough "Three Coins in a Fountain". Trastevere night be worth a visit at night, that's where all the locals eat 'cos the prices are not as extortionate. SPend a few bob to go into the Vatican Museum. Untold wealth, art and the systine chapel at the very end - you can spend hours in there. Looks like Siena didn't tickle your fancy so much - may be the time of year but in summer it's buzzing, you'll have to so it all again in the summer time lad. Anyway look forward to your next blog. Take care. Papa
21st November 2006

bonjourno johnnyboy
HiJohn hope you are enjoying Venice, not spending all your pennies there i hope.Got your text,was getting anxious,not heard from you for a couple of days. Job's going okay,early days yet but all the staff seen really nice and they want me to have a go at recruiting so why not give it a go eh! put my communication skills to some use. Managed to get a speeding fine other week, can't believe where i got it, bus stop at Vida entrance what an idiot they are always parked there £60 fine 3 points on licence. There goes new outfit i'd got lined up, tried to win enough at races last Saturday but neither of us are any good at picking winners. To add insult to injury i bumped into someone in a line of traffic, no damage to either car but you can bet they put a claim in, our Asian friends were in the other car!! Not much other news to tell you otherr than it's bloody freezing here this week, hope it's warmer where you are. Look after yourself John, speak to you soon. Love Mum XXX
21st November 2006

Keep them comments coming in folks, always nice to hear whats going on at home. I'm in Austria tomorrow so I may well be freezing my proverbial b%ll£cks off!!! JP
22nd November 2006

Hello char
Scored a f*?@@;]# reyt goal on FIFA other day lad, when tha gets back buy a player called BARRETO from Udinese, 60 goals in 1 season on Professional, "Back of the net". Top of the league in r 5-a-side at the minute n all, all is good. Just seen Muse at Sheffield, unbelievable live. Keeping an eye out for audioslave tickets, quality band thaz introduced me to theer. Hope all is well char, keep us updated on places to go and no go areas so I can plan my trip accordingly around your misfortunes. If you get chance get the new nuts (21.11.06 edition), best bird you will ever see inside. Got a new pet puppy other day aswell, but he ran out into the middle of the road and got runover by a milkman, absolutley gutted, ended up burrying him in the backgarden, then rolled his milk float into the lake, boom boom. Speak to thi soon racoon.
22nd November 2006

Now then Pap lad, how's going? Working from home this mornin so thought I'd say a quick hello. Hello. Not much happenin down here to tell you to be honest, me and Wyman still waist away our evenings on Fifa although I'm Celebrity has started to fill an hour or so...and yes, I'm still makin his bleedin tea! Keep the blogs comin lad, they make an amusin read. All the best lad, Marrendinho - Football Genius

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