Life after helpx!

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September 13th 2007
Published: September 13th 2007
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The helpx thing turned out to be nearer to Sorrento than Naples, right on the coast at a place called Massa Lubrense which is just further down the Amalfi Coast.

It didn't turn out half as well as the last one unfortunately. I don't know if I was just spoilt at the last one... who knows! I Was staying in pretty much a wooden shed - They called them chalets, and I guess the ones for the guests were pretty nice, but the one i had was very basic, very cold and about 5m away from the cockrel pens. 5 of the bastards! When I asked for some bedding as I was cold, I was told that they only have enough for the guests..... but there werent actually any guests! She then said that she'd have a look and see if there were any old torn sheets I could use. No blankets so I ended up going to bed fully clothed! The funny thing was though, she then decided to show me around the chalets the guests used! Nice was comfy beds! I don't think she realised that was a bit of a windup for someone who'd spent the last couple of nights trying to keep warm! he he. quite funny really. I honestly don't think she realised. I think she views the whole thing very much as a business and wanted helpers without spending very much at all!

After 2 days I'd had enough, so said I'd go. She was ok about it, which I was relieved about, as I didn't want to upset anyone! Anyway, I'm now in Naples. I've done Pompei and Herculanium. They were amazing. Pompei is really vast. Herc is smaller but still pretty fascinating. I've found a hostel which is pretty cool. Free internet and nice chillout area, and a kitchen to make a cuppa tea! I haven't had one a good mug of tea since I left home I don't think! A small thing, but it's absolutely Fab!

I'm only staying here for one night as I've walked round Naples and done most of the stuff I want to do here. I'm trying to decide whether to go back to Sicily to do the West side and the islands which I missed before, or to go to Sardinia. Guess Ill decide overnight at some point!

One of the girls at the hostel wants to do a nightime tour of underground Naples. Not sure what it'll be like, but guess it might be fun and its pretty cheap! I'll let you know next time :O)

Still trying to find a pc where I can plug the camera in to upload the next load of picture. Will do them asap!

Thanks again for all your messages, emails and texts. Loadsa love to you all xx


14th September 2007

Very generous......
Hi there babe, as you've got the comments thing sorted now, I'll stick one up! The helpx place sounded very generous to me....they really know how to keep their workers happy and healthy!?! Best off out of there and good on you for jacking it in and moving on - you don't need that s***. We're all missing you loads and loads, can't believe that you've been gone nearly 4 weeks now, time does fly. Keep enjoying it and savouring all the experiences, love ya loads and loads, big big hugs, Jx
15th September 2007

Oooh ello !
Oooh ello hunny ! Just looked at your photo's...they are great and the place looks fantastic ! Who are the guys? Who are they? Where do they come from ? !! Did you meet them on your travels? Are they Italian, British, polish? Are they backpackers ? Go on, go on! Lovely to see of you hunny you look very happy, healthy and very brown ! Just think no more taking days off work with brownie- ituss ! Lol Jackie x

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