Lorica - Toilets - Elevators - Laundry

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Europe » Italy » Calabria » Cosenza
June 27th 2008
Published: June 27th 2008
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We left Lorica today earlier than expected but we just need to adjust to changes in our intinerary. Lorica is high in the mountains and very green but also secluded. Like I said no Internet access. I wanted to mention the food at the hotel. Lorica is known for their mushrooms. They have an annual mushroom festival. Our spaghetti is just a tomatoe sause and we've added mushrooms for a change. They are wonderful. We've driven up and down the mountain several times and now realize it is no big deal to drive in the country.

Our intentions were to have a picnic by the lake today but it was thundering and raining so that ruined the plans. In spite of this weather...we still didnt need a jacket and had the ac on in the car. Lorica allowed us to see the real Italian lifestyle. The rest of the trip is more city travel.

Our toilet seat had arrived yesterday. We ve had to use just the bowl. We had to wait for another guest to leave in order to get one. However, we find this common everywhere...no toilet seat.

The elevators are very different here. Bob explains the capacity like this...elevators fit 5 Italians or 2 Americans. We seem so much bigger than the Italians. The elevators fit two people or one person with luggage. The elevator in Lorica had never quite met the same level as the floor so you either had to step up or step down. (I havent tripped yet...knock on wood!)

Every where we have been amazed of the laundry hanging out everyones windows. No modesty here. Bertha went down stairs to wash clothes and after starting the wash realized that there was no dryer. Duh, now we get it...no dryers including the hotels. My travel guru Rick Steves said to pack a clothes line when traveling to Europe and now I get it. We had clothes hanging everywhere. When in Italy do as the Italians do!


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