Quiet weekend

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Europe » Ireland
November 12th 2007
Published: November 12th 2007
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Claddagh RingCladdagh RingCladdagh Ring

This is what a Claddagh Ring looks like
Hi everyone! This past weekend was pretty uneventful, however that's just what I needed. Last Friday, November 9th, Sarah and I went Irish dancing. We talked to and danced with all the old single men. It was quite funny, but they were very nice and gave us new ideas of things to do. The Irish dancing was pretty simple. It was quite similar to square dancing. You basically repeated the same steps over and over again. I'm not the best dancer so I know I probably looked pretty silly!
On Saturday, November 10th, Sarah and I went shopping at Ireland's largest shopping center. The shopping center was called Dundrum Town Center. Next, we took the Luis, which is a tram-like train that takes you into Dublin city center, and walked around St. Stephen's Green. St. Stephen's Green was a glorious park in the middle of the city; it reminded me of Central Park in NYC. Finally, after looking through some more shops, we concluded our evening with dinner at Hard Rock Cafe Dublin.
On our shopping trip, I purchased a traditional Irish ring called a Claddagh ring. If you are interested in learning more about the origin and function of this ring, check out this website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claddagh_ring.
This weekend, Sarah and I leave for Barcelona, Spain. I can't wait. I have heard great things about Barcelona and I can't wait to see it myself!


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