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October 25th 2007
Published: October 25th 2007
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Tuesday 25th October, 2007

Well, you guessed it, we're home! I've just read the last blog and it seems soo long ago since we were in sunny Albufeira. We arrived back last Saturday. The trip northwards took us a week and a half and was very enjoyable.

Wednesday 10th October, 2007

We packed up the campervan today and hit the road northward bound for Evora. This was quite a short trip taking just under 3 hours. It was a quiet site but the swimming pool was still open which was a bonus as the heat was incredible here. When we arrived we headed straight across the road from the camping site to a little bar which we were sure was shut, but decided to chance it anyway. It was open alright and surprise surprise, the restaurant adjoining it was open for business too. We ordered a scrumptious meal with wine and tucked in. After all, it was way too hot outside, so may as well eat and drink instead!! Headed back over to the swimming pool for a couple of hours and decided to stay put for the evening as everyone was whacked.

Thursday 11th October, 2007

Early start today as Howie reckoned we should do a big drive today to try to get through Spain as quickly as possible. Packed up and ready to go in no time. We stopped halfway to get lunch and for a stretch and arrived just after a bus load of people into this Spanish restaurant off the autoroute. The waiter was not very helpful at all. He didn't seem to understand anything we said and though our communication was difficult, we agreed that the child should have legumes which is the word he suggested for vegetables. Myself and Therese chose something from the fish menu which he recommended and Howie chose a chicken dish. Fine. Until he arrived down with a spicy soup for poor Evan and two huge platters of OCTOPUS for myself and Therese!!!!! Ouch! After a bit of deliberating, another waiter came to see if we were alright. He agreed to get us chicken dishes instead and Howie swapped his for the spicy soup that had been given to Evan!!! Get me out of Spain PLEASE!! Of course we wouldn't be able to drive completely through Spain in one go, so we stopped just past Madrid in one of Alan Rogers recommended sites. We reached there at about 7pm. It was just an overnighter so not really much to say about it other than the residents here seemed very friendly and chatty enough with Evan.

Friday 12th October, 2007

The drive up through Spain today was mindblowing. The landscape was amazing and all I could hear from the back seat where Therese was were gasps and sighs of wonder. It was beautiful. At about 3pm we reached France - Yahoo!!!! We reached St. Jean du Luz and decided to stay the weekend here. It was a lovely spot. Very friendly and relaxing. Not many facilities but immaculate. The little beach was beautiful and we watched the sun set here the first night. The rock face at the south end of the beach was very funny. It was like the profile of a man with a beard.

Saturday and Sunday

We relaxed mostly these few days. One evening we took a walk into the neighbouring village, Gutheray. WOW! It was the prettiest place I've ever been. The houses, the landscape, it was soooo gorgeous. Had a fantastic meal here and the menu was very peculiar so we really didn't know what to expect. Turns out poached egg in red wine is absolutely delicious!!! Who'd have thought that? The rugby was on and it seemed that France had it in the bag when our taxi arrived to bring us home, but we were wrong!

Monday 15th October

On the road again. This time we landed in Futurscope in Potiers which was a big trip agin


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