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October 14th 2008
Published: October 15th 2008
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When I got up this morning I felt like I hadn’t slept at all! I got up around 8 to talk to Chris, but as soon as we got done talking I went back to bed until noon. I then took a shower, made some brunch, and got ready for anatomy practical at 2, still feeling incredibly out of it. In class we learned pretty much every muscle that attaches to the scapula and where it inserts, its origin, nerve supply, and action! That was way too much information for one class. After practical I got a 2 hour break before hip hop class. It was incredibly slow paced so we went over the exact same steps we had learned last week. I could’ve been sleeping longer! After hip hop, though, I wrote my journal entries from this weekend and hung out with the girls. It rained all day today so we didn’t feel like doing much, plus we’re still recovering from the amazing weekend!


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