Budapest, Hungary

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Europe » Hungary
August 10th 2014
Published: August 10th 2014
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Aug 9


What a day this last 48 hours has been.

Happy 50th birthday so my sister Lynne- j't'aime!!!!

Our flight departed YEG at 1:00 pm Friday and arrived in Budapest Hungary at 2 pm Saturday (17 hours later) via Toronto and Munich. It was perfect- no delays, no lost luggage, no crying babies and no inebriated travellers. We slept just enough to be rested. Le Meridien Westin is in the heart of downtown, clean and appointed with a heavenly bed which is...Heavenly. Cleaned up, unpacked a bit and after a 3 hour power sleep, we headed out. Arnet enjoyed a traditional Hungarian dinner comprised of goose liver pate, goulash soup and Paprika veal. He had a nostalgic moment as he was reminded that his great grandmother Stroebl on his mother's side grew up in a small village not that far from here. Once both of our palates were satisfied, we wandered through the streets lined with trees, overheard the conversations of people from countries all over the world. We happened upon a street where traditional Hungarian artifacts and cultural treasures were being displayed and sold. The sights, sounds and aromas gently assaulted our senses and gave us a glimpse into yesteryears and ancestral roots. What a gift! We walked across the cable bridge that separates the old cities of Buda and Pest. As we strolled leisurely along the Buda side of the Danube River, we saw the glorious parliament buildings aglow with night lights and the impressive Matthias Church on a hill in the distance. We will surely explore this by day Monday.

We were amazed at the lax liquor laws as people walk around with open bottles of wine and liquor, indulging liberally with no thought or consequence. As with many of our travels, the full moon hovered overhead, gently reminding us that though far from home, we have commonality with those around us. Before we realized it, it was 1:30 am and though not tired and with energy to see and explore further we conceded that tomorrow is another day...

Aug 10-

we slept in- partly the time change and largely my inability to set an alarm properly. A leisurely stroll brought us to an open market where we had breakfast. We ate well... well, we ate- $50 bought Arnet cooked cabbage, greasy sausage and noodles while I had rice with chicken. True to European form, Budapest is very pricey. We wandered throughout the market streets, enjoying the architectural blending of new and old, artisans selling their cultural wares and languishing in the moment of this vibrant city. Eventually finding our way back to the Meridien, we gathered our bags and walked to the ship's dock. The "Baldur", a Viking longship, will be our home for the next 2 weeks. Our modest stateroom is more than adequate. We soon realized that we are the youngest couple on board and apparently we have lots to learn from these elders....and they are very eager to We have smiled and laughed so much already that our cheeks are sore. Some of these old timers have some moves....

Tomorrow we stay docked in Budapest until our sunset sailing.

So, now it is 12:30 am. I am seated on our stateroom deck, listening to gypsy music wafting in from the shore. Accompanied by the sound of laughter and voices from the people in the park and perched on the wall that lines the waterway it warms my heart to be sharing the richness of this land and it's culture with my best friend and buddy, Arnet.

Mouahhhh to all of you...



10th August 2014

Awesome Stuff!!!
Hey Michelle and Arnet - so glad you are blogging your bucket list trip. Keep the updates coming! As soon as you referenced sitting on your balcony on the Baldur I immediately felt a little sad knowing we should and wish we could be there with you, for this leg of your trip!! Ahhhh. alas, guess we must live vicariously through you until the time is right for us! Enjoy an extra libation in our honor!!!!
11th August 2014

After just one day, your trip already sounds amazing! What a great start!
26th August 2014

In your homeland
We have arrived in SA. Looking forward to enjoying some of the culture you have grown up with. Planning a tour of 5 cultural villages today.
11th August 2014

Thank you!
Thank you for sharing and allowing us to travel with you through your blog. I trust mom is included and will print off for dad and that Alma can also access the blog. If not, please let me know and I will be sure to share with her. I am happy to hear that you are not over tired and surprised that you did not indulge in the liver, greasy sausage and other typical foods Michelle! hee hee Just kidding. Learn lots from those elders: they are a gift in our lives for sure. Have a God kissed day, Lynne
26th August 2014

Enjoy South Africa
I hope you have a fabulous time in South Africa! Wish we were there to show you around!

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