Hungary! And my graffiti collection so far

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September 24th 2009
Published: September 24th 2009
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Berlin wallBerlin wallBerlin wall

best graffiti on all of the Berlin wall
We made it to Vienna yesterday, which was more of a stopping point for us to get to Budapest. It was alright but not too impressive compared to Prague. We arrived in the afternoon and I forced Jessica to go site-seeing with me. It was the worst site-seeing ever. We wandered around, not even knowing what we were looking at. But, we did eat at a pizza place that had tabasco. It was amazing.
This morning we left Vienna and now we're in Budapest. Hungary is really nice and probably my favorite country so far. It's a dirtier and not as classy as Prague, but more authentic. Tourist sights aren't clustered into one part of town. It was like this in Prague and it felt like Disney Land for tourists. Everything is really cheap here; it's very nice. We ate meals today at this Hungarian restaurant for $4 each (including a glass of $.80 wine!).
Afterwards Jessica was all jazzed to go to the opera so we tried to look as decent as possible and went. Our seats were $4 so we were way in the corner and had to lean over the balcony to see anything. The opera was really
Some old church in PragueSome old church in PragueSome old church in Prague

The church was nice, but more amazing was the fact that people in the 1800s were already ruining beautiful pieces of history and doing the same stuff we do now. Amazing!
strange too. Jessica tried to explain the plot to me, but it was all in German so I had no idea what was going on. Everyone was dressed in green and there were pirates, policemen, whores, and Jesus that kept wandering on stage. Eventually we grew so bored and confused that we began being inappropriate and laughing about the opera. We snuck out at intermission and abandoned any thought of trying to be classy or cultured on this trip. My favorite part of the opera was when I was dozing off and Jessica leans over to whisper, "hey, look at that guy in the diaper!" Yeah, that would be Jesus.
Completely off topic, I've found some interesting graffeti on this trip:


25th September 2009

So apparently I should have insisted on Sunday School as you were growing up since Jessica didn't recognize Jesus. . .wow I feel like a failure as a Mother! Ha! Ha! Not sure what you thinking about. . trying to culturalize yourselves with opera?? At least you didn't spend a lot for the tickets and it was entertaining! Enjoy that cheap wine. . at least I taught you THAT. . .atta girls! Have fun, be safe and keep in touch! Loved hearing your voices today! Highlight of my week! Love to you both!!
25th September 2009

So funny! Class is something invented by those that want to sell you something. Real class is being yourself. I'm with you opera is not my thing. Go have fun. Sorry I missed your last call. Hopefully I will get to talk with you soon. .80 glass of wine, wow! Meal in Europe for $4 really great. Sounds like you two are having a lot of fun. Hope to talk to you soon. Love, Dad

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