Greek Islands

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July 12th 2007
Published: July 12th 2007
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Hey guys, sorry that I haven't had the chance to update the blog. Internet on the islands is very expensive. Hopefully, I can also work out how to put some photos up from our travels. We are back in Piraeus and this of course means back in my favourite CHEAP internet cafe so I can finally update you on our adventures.

Before I forget, I have a Greek number over here. Its +306939913121 so make sure you message us :p


Since I last left off we have visited some of Ange's relatives on the small island of Salamina. This island is only 30mins from Piraeus and is visted by many Greeks because of its beaches. We had lunch with Ange's Uncle Babis, Aunty Elvira and cousin George and although they spoke minimal English it was still enjoyable. Elvira cooked us a feast and did not take no for an answer, It was extremely funny as throughout the course of lunch my name continuously changed. She called me everything from Stephen, Stefano, Stefan and Stavros. All I did was nod and continue eating. We spent the afternoon swimming at a beach nearby and more eating.

Greek Islands

The next day, Ange and I had to get up extremely early to catch our 7.35am ferry to Mykonos. It was exciting as it would be the first time we would have to do everything ourselves.


Our first stop was the island of Mykonos where we spent three nights. We got a shock (to say the least) when we arrived at Paradise Camping and saw our beach cabin aka. shack on stilts. It reminded me of the Big Brother white room only smaller lol. However, the location was good as it was situated right on one of the best beaches of the island - Paradise Beach. At this beach full nudity was accepted which also gave us quite a shock at times. It was weird though because these so called 'nudists' would always either be wearing shoes or a hat (usually a sombrero). We still did spend a lot of our time on the beach and I continued to get burnt while Ange became black. There were also some cool bars along the beach where people danced.

Nearly every day we would catch the bus into Mykonos Town (known as Hora) which was 6km away. The town was full of heaps of confusing streets that all looked the same and we spent most of our time LOST. I still feel disorientated in that place. We visted the famous windmills of Mykonos and also 'Little Venice' which is a special part of the town full of bars and shops.

On day two we went to the ancient Greek island of Delos and although unhabitated, it is home to one of the most important archaelogical sites in Greece. This is beacuse it is the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis, two of the most important deities of the Greek parthenon. The island was very similar to Pompeii and extremely hot.

I found Mykonos to be very expensive especially the nightclubs. We did manage to go to some bars but refused to pay 15+ euro entrance fees for clubs. Also our accomodation, although close to the beach, was out of town and it did get annoying having to always catch a bus (sometimes we would make the trip 4 times a day).


An overnight stay on Paros was a spur of the moment decision. We learnt that to get to Ios from Mykonos we would have to change ferries here so we thought it would be cool to explore the town. Paros is the main transport hub of the Cyclades and is very laidback.

We were lucky with our accomodation as Ange's Dad organised it for us. We were looked after by a Greek lady called Christina who told us of good beaches, shops and restaurants. The room was also unbelieavbly nice (well anything would be when compared to our shack).

However, I think that someone might have put the evil eye on us in Paros. Throughout the day bad things kept on happening, e.g. we got lost, we could not find places, i kept on tripping over and the toilet and tap in our bathroom broke. I know I am being superstitious here but it did feel like someting contributed (it is prob all in my head tho). It was funny because that same night our bad luck continued. We decided to go to a Greek taverna for dinner. Unfortunately, the waiter did not understand our order and instead of getting two souvlakis, we got the cheaper alternative of two gyros (basically small kebabs). We ended up paying 4.80 euro (about $7) to sit in a nice waterfront table for an hr...very embarassing indeed. Once we had finished our meal we made sure that we did not show our faces there again.


The next day we caught a ferry to Ios which is renowned as the party island of the Cyclades. By chance, my uni friends Lee and Amanda were already there and we organised to go out that night. Unfortunately, our ferry was over three hours late in picking us up and instead of arriving in Ios at 8.30pm, we arrived just after midnight. What really pissed us off was that no explanation or even apology was given. We still decided to go out that night and met Lee and Amanda in our room. I got embarassingly drunk and the last thing I remember is dancing on a bar and falling off. Luckily, the girls managed to get me to bed by 6am after I fell asleep in a club. It was a really good night!!!!! (even though I don't remember much of it).

We spent the next day recovering on Miloptas Beach and feeling very hungover (well I was). We went to a wet t-shirt competition at the camping place where Lee and Amanda were staying. It was CRAP as most of the contestants did not know what they were even took her tshirt off before she got wet. Also it was the longest competition ever (nearly 2 hrs) as each girl got a full song to dance to. We soon lost interest and went back to the beach. Its funny because of how sick I felt, we didn't really get the chance to see Ios but still had a good time. It was really good meeting up with Lee and Amanda.


Our last stop was the island of Santorini. It was by far the best place we went to and was unbelievably beautiful. Of course, I went photo crazy which I'm sure I'll bore you with when I get back to Perth.

Thanks to Cameron (we really do owe you) we stayed at Rena's Place which was a welcome change from our other greek accomodation. It even had two swimming pools, tv, aircon and fridge.

We spent a day at Perissa Beach (well we thought it was at the time - it turned out to be Perivolos Beach just down from the coast). This coastline is renowned for its hot black sand due to the volcanic nature of the island. It was very beautiful and strange as the sand was not dirty (just black lol).

We also went on a tour to the volcano and hot springs of Santorini. Several eruptions from this now dormant volcano has given Santorini its formation. The hot springs were disappointing (should be named lukewarm springs). We expected steam and 40+ degrees clear water. Instead, the water was about 20 degrees and very murky. I had more fun covering myself in the volcanic mud which is supposed to be good for your skin.

We also experienced the famous sunset at Oia. It was a magical moment as we shared it with 300+ people who burst into applause when the sun set at 9pm 😊

Yesterday we caught a TEN HOUR ferry (I have never been so friggen bored in my life) back to Piraeus where we met up with Ange's Dad and went out for dinner. We are now off to Paxos (Ange's Dad's Island) and then ITALY. I am extremly looking forward to Paxos as we are sure to be well-fed and it is not very touristy. Ange and I feel like homeless people as for lunch we cut up salad stuff and bread and eat it in public surrounded by our bags. It has reached the point where I want to leave a hat in front of us to collect money. If we are lucky, we sometimes eat in restaurants for dinner. However, 2 euro gyros's are usually enough.

Further, the experience of eating out is somewhat spoilt by persistent and annoying restaurant owners who hound you when you walk past. We feel like telling them to leave us alone as we can't afford it. You would think they would leave people alone. Talk soon everyone. MISS YOU HEAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 25, Displayed: 25


12th July 2007

OMG! Fuck you guys! The photos look beautiful! I am so friggin jealous... you both look really good (that sunburn is NASTY though, Summa... btw, are you in your Aussie Bums in that photo?) Jack shit has happened here since you've left really. We have all been really busy working and clerking (some of us). I have decided I really need a holiday.. I don't know when, I don't know how, but I need one.. for a long time. OH! and my license photo is HORRENDOUS! I look like a pokemon that has been stung in the face by a wasp! *Sigh* Miss you guys heaps, please stay safe! P.S. Maria has informed me that when my cousin (Kosta 2.0), saw photos of me with all my friends, he FELL IN LOVE with Ange... Maria said he has the MEGA HOTS for Ange... if you see Summa, be careful of him, because he will pounce! HAHAHAHA P.P.S. I am visiting Alana next week :D
13th July 2007

HEY Summa, your photos are amazingggg! It's really good to see you guys are having a good time! I can't believe your sun burn - slip slop and slap. Those islands are beautiful its like your in the Sisterhood of Travelling Pants! Anyways take care, keep blogging! I would usually say see you soon but that's not appropriate in this case ;(
13th July 2007

Cocktails in Mykonos
OMG guys - i LOVE that photo of the cocktails in Mykonos - reminds me of cheap cocktails by the beach in Barcelona! It's truly the good life, isn't it! Keep having an amazing time, lots of love, Andy :) P.S. Ange: the colour of your blue top/dress is gorgeous!
13th July 2007

v. impressed!
hey there! I can't believe you are actually keeping a detailed travel blog! it's great :D Also it makes me very jealous to see how summery it looks over there whereas all we have are windy and rainy days...missing you heaps and dreading starting pharm again
13th July 2007

I can see a little tinge of a tan but you are right- ange has turned into marcia hines. I shall call her angie hines. Wow santorini does look beautiful. I don't understand where the ferry docks from the photo? I think its out of shot from the photo lol
13th July 2007

Miss you!
Oh my god. You've transformed from everyday Perth uni students to exciting and cool backbackers. :D I'm so excited, can't wait to meet up with you guys!
13th July 2007

Hey most of the ferries dock at Athinios Port which is on the other side of the island. The tour boats and cruise ships dock down the bottom of our photos in the old port :p How did netball go? Hope u r feeling better
13th July 2007

Hey u prob heard that we cant meet up with Maria this weekend :( She is coming into Athens and we are going to Patras and shit is that??? After ur comment I think I'm happy about this tho cause who knows what ur cousin will try to do lol. Miss you
13th July 2007

PS Kosta - Remember I told YOU to come to Greece with us :p
Yeah lol
14th July 2007

green with envy!
hey touristi!!! - i dont know where to start! readign your blog is a like a mini hisotry lesson i have learnt so much about Greece!!! and the photos lool awesome!!! and i agree with Kosta ... I also really need a holiday.. I don't know when, I don't know how, but I need one.. for a long time. cant wait to hear more hilarious stories about your adventures! xoxo Rosie
15th July 2007

extremely jealous!
hey!! i love your eloquently written blogs/little stories! maybe you should be writing a book of all your travel adventures! you could call it..almost greek..or something =) missing you heaps! and extremely jealous of the beautiful blue-ness of your photos and growing tans/ burns lol...i knew it was inevitable, especially given your pinkness after that couldy day in busselton lol! contrastingly, i've been in albany the past week in the chilly cold -and am now unfortunately as pasty white as ever! hope both your uni results were all good- i'm sure you both did spendidly- i was pretty happy with mine, i got a hd for my concrete unit LOL..maybe i should have just been a builder.... anywho, eagerly awaiting the next is my mum =)
27th July 2007

hello! nice photos looks like you guys are having a fun time!! just wondering where i can get find out about or book those beach cabins in mykonos... me and evenda are heading that way in september! oh and you know what... the beaches in s. spain look the same as that black one you took a photo of... strange they even have those beach chairs and umbrellas!!! have a great time see you in germany i think with a beer!!! xxxxx

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