Brunsbuttel - Heide - Husum -Dagebull (133km) (Total 1502km)

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Europe » Germany
July 3rd 2013
Published: July 3rd 2013
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Se ha pasado media noche lloviendo pero a eso de las 8 ha parado y para las 10 se veia el sol un poco y todo. Hoy no mas carril bici por el dique, hay que ir ya tirando para el norte porque si no me va a tocar hacer carreras en dinamarca. Asi que he ido hasta Husum por el carril bici paralelo a la B5, a partir de ahi he hecho un poco de carril bici. Ha estado nublado y al final del dia he tenido viento en contra. Por el camino se pasaba por un monte (44m de altura) y de ahi habia algo de vistas. MaƱana toca mandar los mapas y libros que no necesito ya que he aprobado 2 de 4 examenes que hice en junio.


It has been raining half the night but about 8 has stopped and for 10 it was some sun to see. Today no more bike path along the dam, I have to finally go north because if not I'll have to hurry in denmark. So I went to Husum on the bike path parallel to the B5, from there I did some bike-way again. It has been cloudy and end of the day I had a headwind. On the way he passed a mountain (44m high) and there was some views. Tomorrow i will send maps and books that do not need it now beacuse I have passed 2 exams from the 4 I did in June.

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4th July 2013

no devuelvas el libro que te regalamos!! ;D keep pushing :)

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