Frankfurt airport 6am local time

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Europe » Germany
February 23rd 2012
Published: February 24th 2012
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Found the free wifi, but the pad is the onlything that works. arrived on time and we have 3 hours until we leave for Leeds. 13 hours went ok, not sure I'd want to tlong for that long in a confined space with the kids if they were awake. Everyone managed to sleep though not very restful. once the kids woke up it didn't take long for them to have a wrestling match, personal touch screens can only hold their attention for so long. the surrounding passengers were a bit taken back, as were the crew. thankfully it was only anothermini minutes and we had landed.

Though just transiting we had to have our hand luggage scanned again. To date Greg leads the tally for slips ups in this process. A trophy wil be awarded to the winner at the conclusion of the trip.

1. cooper pack scissors in his hand luggage, found and taken by security on departure from .

2. greg packs a water bottle in his hand luggage, though our bags look the same and Istupidly put my hand up claiming it when security asked, discovered departing Singapore.

3. Greg empties his pockets in
be carefulbe carefulbe careful

warning sign to prevent harassment on trains
Frankfurt but leaves a pen, gets a personal body screening for his trouble.

Last day in Singapore actioned packed and very hot. Used local trains and visited Chinatown. Also did a river cruise. spent the afternoon swimming and packing. Good news is we still have 60 kilos of luggage for the four of us. Besides watches and sunnies we left Sinagpore with no shopping. this is despite my very persistent and tenacious daughter, my standard response is we have no room. This isn't what she wants to hear at all but it seems to be sinking in.

favourite things about Singapore (one of the twenty smallest countries in the world, 42 km by 23 , buys about 40 percent of its water from Malaysia) Kasey: Singapore flyer, Cooper: Flyer, mum: night safari, dad: Flyer Least favourite thing, both kids found it very busy, " too many people" ( not sure how they will cope in really busy cities!), mum: not enough time to relax, too much to do, dad:???

Frankfurt had two odd things at the airport, firstly - reminding me fondly of Terri and Lara was a cage like smoking room that people crammed
buddhist servicebuddhist servicebuddhist service

buddha tooth relic temple
into - and I mean crammed. See my photo.

Secondly, camp beds set up every where in preparation for pending industrial action. They are VERY organised.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


24th February 2012
smoking cage! Frankfurt

Smoking room!
I was rememebr the smoking rooms at Frankfurst airport we were there 2010....and the free funny train that goes around the airport....glad you guys went well on teh long flight to Heathrow a/p. xoxoxxo
24th February 2012
Camping german style

Camping style organised and considerate....doesn't sounds very Ozzie.........
25th February 2012

Hello, very impressed with the blogging! lol. Happy Happy Birthday! Hopw it was/is a great day in a foreign land :) Enjoy xx

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