Woohoo i'm in dresden again!

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January 10th 2007
Published: January 10th 2007
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it was so amazing to meet everyone again today! Met them in the school where we had YET and i was like wow i was here 5 months ago! Walked past Habibi aswell and i was like aahhhh good times 😊 Ramona and Kati especially were like :O you are really here 😊 I'm so happy I'm here again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People really didn't believe me when I assured them we would meet again.

Then I went to Vilma and Margret's English class with them and it was really good, they were doing a passage on Martin Luther King and it was pretty difficult English but the discussion kinda drifted more towards the content of the passage rather than the grammar. Like about black people and racism etc. And then Vilma said, I don't understand why there are still all-black or all-white dominated schools seeing as there is no segregation anymore and the teacher said yeah it's because they want to keep all their traditions and live the way that their own group wants to and that there is no such thing as racial tension or anything anymore, that was all years ago when King was about. And I was like hey wait a minute, yes there is still tension. And I gave a small personal example, which i wanted to blog before: Every time I've been on a train which has had to cross a country border, and there has been a passport check, they have always been suspicious of mine. Everyone else's gets a glance and handed back, and mine gets put through a laser type machine, and they look at it for about 10 minutes, get some of the other officers over for 2nd opinions, really thoroughly check the creases and where it is binded like I may have just glued it together myself, look at my face intensely, ask me to remove my scarf (from round my neck) and take my hat off if I'm wearing either. First I thought it was funny the first couple of times but it has happened EVERY time. It happened on the last train from Prague to Dresden and it made me feel very very very uncomfortable. I guess I should be used to it by now but I just don't like it. One bit. There is absolutely nothing different or unusual about my passport and I don't think it's right that it gets so much special attention. Especially when the other people in the carriage start giggling and whispering and looking at me too. It's like OK so I'm not Caucasian and I'm travelling in Europe woohoo big wow get over it, I have a life too you know. And I am not imagining it or exaggerating. It really is as bad as I am describing it. Grrr I really really hate it. And I don't give two hoots if people think I'm going on a 'oh look at me I am subjected to racism, everyone hates me' rant.

Anyhoooo..... the discussion was good although it was mainly me Vilma and the teacher! I was kinda surprised that the teacher was so ignorant of the fact that racial differences still play a part in society. Like people of same race stick together if they are a minority because they feel safer or whatever. It was like she just didn't know this happened.

Righty, back to TRAVEL blogging.

I stayed at Sarah's last night and tonight, Sarah who is crazy as ever 😊 although we have not yet had a dancing session...

Vilma, Sarah and I went out to a bar tonight but we were all really tired and they have things to do tomorrow so we're back home. Gabbed about YET and everything.

Last time I was in Dresden I thought to myself that it's a beautiful city but later I thought maybe it's because I have attachments and memories here but I'm here again after visiting several other cities, and I still think Dresden is really very nice. Especially at night time.

Gotta sort out how I'm getting back to Berlin for flight home. I love being in Dresden.

c ya



11th January 2007

ohh you are really very right cause of all the good memories in dresden it makes you think wow dresden is an amazing place but it is not as good as the memories and it is the memories that make it good lol, not trying to be negitave make sure u give them my email lol love ya xx
12th January 2007

I am so jealous that you went back to Dresden. So, so jealous. Love ya loads xoxox

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