Sur le Pont d'Avignon

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March 23rd 2005
Published: March 23rd 2005
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Ksenya, Liz and Hassane enjoy a refreshing Guiness!
For those of you who were betting on when our first fight would be, the winner is 03/15/05. The good news is that we're over it now and despite it all we had a wonderful time in Avignon. The first night we were there we met two French boys Hassane and Kasim who took us out for coffee. One spoke French and German, the other French and Spanish. Both spoke Arabic and neither spoke English which made it quite the linguistic adventure! On Wednesday we went to Cannes. We saw the theater where the film festival is held and baked on the beach. On the way home we met David, an environmentalist freelance journalist whose opening line to Andrea was, "here, read the article I wrote on Darryl Hannah for High Times". He had an assortment of such reading material to keep us busy the whole ride home. To keep himself busy he set up a small painting studio in his seat and proceeded to express himself by blowing paint out of a straw in an attempt to recreate the psychedelic screen saver on his lap top. He also rolled some joints, burned all of Ksenya's CD's, ate Liz's chocolate and
A St. Paddy's Day Kiss!A St. Paddy's Day Kiss!A St. Paddy's Day Kiss!

Kasim and "Endrea"
walked barefoot to the bathroom (you can't even imagine how disgusting that is...) Needless to say we were very entertained. Thursday we spent the day in Avignon. We saw the pont d'Avignon from the famous French nursery rhyme and the Palais des Papes which was almost as large as the city itself. We also attempted to do laundry. At the laundry mat we had to buy soap and there were two machines, we decided to go with the "soupline" which we thought was liquid soap instead of the powder because it was cheaper, Andrea thought her clothes were really dirty so she put two cups of soupline in her washer. As it turned out, Liz's high school French vocabulary didn't cover the difference between fabric softener and soap so we ended up washing our clothes in Downey! That night we went to O'Neils the only Irish pub in Avignon for St. Patricks day. They promised us Irish music which ended up being three U2 songs throughout the night. But we did manage to have a few pints and the French boys met us there. We got to see them the last night before we left, we promised to learn French
Heavy LoadHeavy LoadHeavy Load

This is how Ksenya got her backpack on everyday. She needed a little help getting up!
and come back to visit and they promised to learn English and come visit us. We're actually on our way to Rome right now so check back soon for a Paris report. Also we're going to try to post more pictures!!!

Peace and Love,
Andrea and Liz


23rd March 2005

time to get out of Dodge
I noticed right a way that there are boys in these pics! So I kinda did the speed read thing on the comments. Slammin a guiness with Arabic speaking French boys on St. Patrick's Day in Avignon got my attention. I was so glad to hear you were getting out of Dodge. Rome is lovely this time of year! Let these guys learn English and come visit Broomfield! Say hello to JPII Love dad - marshdad
25th March 2005

St. Patrick's Day
Andrea,I'm glad you finally got your first kiss from a boy. How special. - Sis Laura
25th March 2005

I'm glad you were kept busy on your train ride, but I'm not sure if that guy was a very good influence. Hopefully you won't run into him again. You know, Britney Spears was all over the newspapers when she went into a bathroom with barefeet. That is too gross to think about. - Andrea's Mom
25th March 2005

Andrea, I miss you, but your bed sure is comfortable and I can lie on it whenever I want. I love you. Liz, If I had access to your bed I would sleep on it too. - Sweetie
27th March 2005

Gee, I'm so glad the French/German Arab and the French/Spanish Arab will be joing the Hungarian, German, Poles and scores of Aussies who will be visiting also this summer, when should I pencil them into the Hostel Maria Circle? Glad you liked Avignon! - Mom

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