Saint Tropez

Published: October 16th 2008
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La LondeLa LondeLa Londe

Our first view o the Med
Tuesday 14th October, 2008

I have received an email from the owner of the shop in Ypres, The British Grenadier Bookshop, who very kindly said he would try to find out further information about the headstamp on the Trench Art, that I was given, from his reference books.

“Here is what the book says...

8mm Lebel ART-D case made in the 3rd quarter of 19?? (you crossed out the number on the right side at the 3 o'clock position) by Atelier de fabrication de Vincennes. Metal case by Compagnie Francais des Metauz, Serifontaine.”

The number at the 3 o'clock position is a little unclear but looks like two numbers and the first is definitely a 1. The number next to it is a little worn but if I had to make a guess might be another 1. That would put the year of manufacture at 1911.

Anyway, the plan for today is to travel from Salon en Provence to Cogolin, near Saint Tropez.

The journey is about 80 kilometers.

We had a reasonable start and passed though Aix en Provence, stopped at a supermarket to buy a few essential items for our stop, such
La LondeLa LondeLa Londe

I don't take a good picture,
as wine.

We took a detour so that we could see the Mediterranean, knowing that we weren't far away from it. The spot we found it, was at La Londe les Maures. Temperature gauge in the square said 26°C. My first view of the Med, since September / October last year.

We had a little stroll around and I phoned a friend, especially of course to make them jealous.

We had bought our usual picnic lunch and some pasta with a sauce to cook tonight, but the restaurant with outside seating, and the sun shining down was far to inviting, and a must do.

I have to say we were both in good spirits, nearly three weeks and 1750 miles and here was the Med.

Ironically, this lunch was more expensive than the lunch in the Avignon centre, but location is everything, as they say, and I'd go for this one every time. Spaghetti Carbonara and moules et frites, at the L'Escale was excellent.

Pat was map reader today, but I had put in a special request for the coastal route and we managed this for the last twenty / thirty kilometers. Very up
Trench Art Trench Art Trench Art

The letter opener Headstamp
and down, but lovely seeing the coast.

We then referred to the directions given for the apartment and found our way into the gated estate and after a little to-ing and fro-ing, found the right one, and got in OK.

The apartment will suit us ideally for the next few days.

We unpacked the car, and I'm sure it must have let out a sigh of relief. Must remember to use less accelerator pedal for the next few days.

Sat outside for a while enjoying the weather and then went for a walk to orientate ourselves.

Came back and had our picnic lunch and had an early night.

It was 17°C, sat outside in the dark around eight pm. I love the evenings when you can be outside, chill and listen to the world, full moon as well.

Wednesday, 15th October, 2008.

Woke up in Cogolin. near St Tropez.

Well, I have to say that that would be a good start to most people's day, and it certainly was mine.

The plan for today, pop into St Tropez a little later and have a look around.

We had an easy start to the day and I threw some water over the car and took some of the dust and grime off it.

Around midday we headed off to St Tropez. We parked by the port area, in a public car park and wandered through the marina, which had a significant number of large boats. Not very many yachts, but large powerboats and cruisers. Very “gin palace” types. Lots of different home ports. We bought some baguette sandwiches at a little place on the quayside and found a bench to sit and watch the world.

What can I say about the fact that here we are. It doesn't matter where that is precisely, but what I mean is, we have recenty made some big decisions in our life. These are about what sort of a future we may have, or probably at this stage of the journey, about the sort of life that we will no longer lead. We have opted out of the nine to five existence. I have to admit that through a series of choices we made in the past, which we made without this precise path in mind, has put us in a position,
Saint TropezSaint TropezSaint Tropez

Getting my feet wet
that we are very luckily, able to choose to do what we are doing now.

We are both very aware that ultimately our future financial situation is far from certain, but the point is we know that. Also, how many people are actually able to have any real certainty. This also ignores any factors relating to health and the length of life that we may lead. Which again are further unknowns and in reality, more important.

Goodness, don't I ramble on and on.

Anyway, back to St Tropez, which is actually not very big. Our France book says that the population is about five thousand. After the Port / Marina we ambled through part of the town and along the waters edge. It was here that I decided to dip my toe's into the water and I have to say it wasn't warm.

There are monuments and memorials around, regarding the landings here in August 1945, by the British and Americans.

This way led us up to the Citadel above the town dating back a number of centuries and used to as part of the defences to guard France against a Spanish invasion. It has
Saint TropezSaint TropezSaint Tropez

My Little Violet - one of many big boats
had a lot of restoration completed as part of a fifteen year overall programme.

We then headed back into the town, and this time passed by a number of boutique shops featuring many, many designer labels. We didn't buy anything.

Pat spotted and was very amused by a Town Sewage truck, that was painted pink!

A short pitstop at a creperie was next, Pat had a crepe with honey and almanac, with a beer, I had a crepe with chocolate and walnuts with a coffee. Guess who drove us home.

No celebrities spotted, by the way.

We had had our fill of St Tropez for the time being and headed further along the coast. Frejus St Raphael is where we ended up about thirty kilometers away. We only stopped for a short while then headed back.

It seems a lot of Germans are around, Pat thinks it might be their half term break just now.

Stopped at the Geant Casino Supermarket and picked up a few bits and pieces.

Pat cooked a pasta and provencal sauce meal, with salad stuff, and a very sticky cake thing we bought for dessert.

Saint TropezSaint TropezSaint Tropez

The Citadel
weather was up in the mid 20's and very much shorts and T-Shirts weather.

Something else I haven't written about yet, stupid little French dogs, they are everywhere. They shit over the pavement and nobody seems to clear up the mess. If you have been to France you will know what I'm talking about. They take them into restaurants and feed them food from their plates.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Saint TropezSaint Tropez
Saint Tropez

Pink Sewage Truck

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