
Published: June 30th 2008
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Today Tim, Alex and I made our way to Ieper (Ypres) to see the Menin Gate and the other WW1 memorials that are there, we had hoped to do a bus tour but they weren't running them this weekend because of a car rally. Walking to the train station I was almost run down 3 times by mopeds on a bike/walk path, aparently thats the done thing. This town my seem a little sleepy but boy can it be dangerous. We arrived in Iepes about 2.30pm after a 2 and a half hour train journey. As we got into the town centre you could see the car rally - it was a real car rally, and was being televised, it was great we were able to get right up close to watch the cars and into the pit area and it cost nothing, talk about a bonus. We then found the Menin Gate and we walked around taking in all the names of the men who lost there lives in battles in Flanders Field. It was a very overwhelming sight to see all those names, it just kept going.We then walked down to the Cemetry near the Menin Gate, it was such a beautiful spot. As I read the headstones I was getting goosebumps and shivers it was a very sombring and overwhelming. It all really brought home the significance of where we were. After the cemetry we decided to go to the Flanders Field Museum as we didn't have enough time or anyway to get to any of the other sites. The museum was very interesting and overwhelming. We got back to Brugges aroung 8.15pm and the 3 of us went out for dinner - Alex had Flemish Stew and I had a try it was really delicious. It has been so nice to have someone to have meals with and to experience things with. After dinner I had a Kwak beer a very nice beer.


Today Tim and Chereece left to move onto there next stop on their trips. So Alex and I decided to see all the local sites we could fit in today. We went to the Basillica of the Holy Blood, where they have a piece of cloth on display that was brought back from the crusades that has Christ's blood on. We climbed the 366 steps to the top of the Belfry, such an awesome view from the top, we were also deafened by the bells while at the top. After we decided that today was going to be a bit of a splurge day and we had a Viandel Special hot dog, after which we had waffles and ice-cream. We then went to The Church of our Lady to see one of the few pieces of art by Michelangelo that is outside of Italy - The Mother and child statue. The churches today have been so old and medieval, they are just beautiful, the stain glass windows especially. After the Church of our Lady, Alex and I went for a canal ride, it was a great way to see Brugge. Later in the afternoon we went to the Chocolate Museum and on the way back to the hosel for dinner we stopped off and brought some Belgium chocolates. We then had dinner at teh Sacre Cour - the hostel bar and tried some Belgium beers. To finish the night we watched the Germany V Spain Soccer final at the bar.


Today I have been wandering around Brugge on my own as Alex left for Amsterdam. I just had a relaxing day, wandering around and looking in the shops. I then came back to the hostel and sorted out my bags ready to leave tomorrow for Amsterdam. I then went and did my washing and came to update my blog and write some emails. I went for another walk this afternoon before heading back to the hostel for dinner. I think I will now head off to bed and get a good nights sleep before I get to Amsterdam and then Berlin to meet up with Megs, so can't wait. I am loving every single minute of this trip it has been so awesome seeing and experiencing so many different things. I can't add photo's at the moment but as soon as I can I will add some from Paris and Brugge.

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