Avignon Sep 19

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September 20th 2011
Published: September 20th 2011
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Sep 19 Avignon City Tour
We have spent the day walking. There are 4 walking tours around this city – one that climbs a hill even and we did them all. It didn’t seem difficult at all because the shops were open. I walked extra steps in quite a few even tried some clothes and shoes on but prices are rather high and what looks good on all the young French girls doesn’t look quite the same as on me. But I did buy some rather unusual things – drinking straws to impress A&A because they are 70 cm long and just fit the suitcase, a fruit dispenser and drinking glass markers. I did try the usual tourist purchase of L’Occitane products but I can get it cheaper in the States. My hands are nice and soft for today though. Lunch was cheap – Monsieur Croque, salad and a whiskey for 8 euros. Managed to do 3 sketches as well. After a nap break for Ross while I did deposits for next year’s trip on a French keyboard we headed out again and did the last bid of the walking tour and then had dinner. We managed 18,727 steps today. Sunny and warm weather is predicted for the rest of the week.
PS for Trev and Chuck – a cappuccino in southern France is quite different – 2 shots of espresso with a half cup of heavy whipped cream on top – apparently we drink this through a straw. I’ve tried to limit myself to one a day but…


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