
Published: June 30th 2008
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Tuesday 24th June, 2008

So literally as I was about to begin writing this, Michele bursts in and without even peeking her head in or saying hello, says "Ferme la porte, si non il va claquer!!", scaring the shit out of me. Basically, she wants me to keep the door to my room closed at all times so that the wind doesn't slam it shut! Personally, I'm one who hates it when people keep their door shut for no good reason, plain rude and and antisocial. This was in fact one of the things that irked me the most back in freshman year at Berkeley! But on the other hand, as soon as I began to write THIS sentence, Michele comes in again and reminds me that dinner will be ready in 20 minutes, that she did my laundry, organized all my loose papers into a neat pile for me AND bought me a fan for my room so I don't get too hot - forget whatever I said earlier I love this woman!

Anyhoo, so on this day, I was finally able to muster up the energy and hopefully begin my training for a marathon I am planning on running either this October or early next year. I went down to the Stade Carcasonne, the all purpose athletic complex where I also play football, and got onto the world class track they have set up there. It was really weird, having had all my cardiovascular exercise naturally provided to me through sports like squash and football, to run round and round in circles! However, I was quickly put back in place as my body, after more than a month of silence, decided to vent all its anger and frustration with me having abused it with alcohol and relative indolence. In other words, it wasn't too long before I was winded and couldn't run anymore! Still, it wasn't that bad - managed to do 3 - 4 kilometres with a little sprint training. Now I have to do that 10 more times for the marathon! Moreover, I was just pleased to be out under the blazing sun and get some exercise - the first run after a while is definitely the hardest!

Today was also the day I would meet and have dinner with my host mother, Michele, for the first time. Like I mentioned previously, just the journey up to the place was off putting enough but once I met her I was really pleased. I have already described her to you so instead I'll just quickly recount the fabulous dinner I had of tomato and mozarella salad, cold roast chicken, gratin and fresh yogurt finished off with bread and an assortment of cheeses, all washed down with a nice bottle of rose. And to think I will be getting this 5 times a week! Can't wait. During the dinner, Michele showed me some postcards and letters she has been receiving from past students who had been here up to five years ago! I can only take this as a sign that I will most likely grow as close to her as others have in the past and am looking forward to writing her my own letter one day!

Dinner done with, Brian and I ventured back into town to meet up with the Georgians and start the night. Wasn't long before we had a huge bunch of people at their apartment (the party just follows us I suppose) although pretty soon, the combination of le chaleur and lack of ventilation forced us to move our ourselves outside onto the street. For a while it didn't look like we had a definitive plan but much to my pleasure, Cloe actually called and eventually we went off to have a bottle of wine by ourselves at the Cafe Unic, across the Place Richelme. It was the first time we were actually alone with each other and thank God for the wine; definitely made me far more lucid in French than I otherwise would have been! So I got to know her a little better and she definitely is a great girl, one with a strong personality and good sense of humor (doesn't hurt that she's pretty too) - looking forward to spending more time with her over the next few weeks. One bottle of rose later, I call the others and find out they're over at Bar Sextius which couldn't have been more perfect, as it turned out that Cloe lived right across from it! Perfect opportunity to walk her home? I think so.

Anyways, turned out she wanted to stay and party so we did, had a good time, went to IPN (absolutely hate that place...quintessential American stronghold in a foreign country) and finally finished the night around 3:30. As for Cloe? Kissed her goodnight and that was that - never be too eager I'm always told. Went to bed happy and content with life, albeit knowing I had yet another sleep deprived day ahead of me!


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